Home Symptoms Lack of appetite: 5 main causes and what to do

Lack of appetite: 5 main causes and what to do


Lack of appetite does not normally represent a health problem, not least because nutritional needs vary from person to person, as well as their eating habits and lifestyle, which directly influence appetite.

However, when the lack of appetite is accompanied by other symptoms, such as rapid weight loss, diarrhea and fever, for example, it is important to go to the doctor for tests to identify the cause of the loss of appetite. and thus, the best treatment can be started, also avoiding possible complications, such as malnutrition, for example. Know the health consequences of malnutrition.

What can it be

The lack of appetite can have several causes, the main ones being:

1. Emotional or psychiatric problems

Depression and anxiety, for example, can decrease a person's appetite, and can even result in weight loss. In addition to these psychological problems, anorexia can be considered one of the main causes of loss of appetite, because the person feels fat, has low self-esteem and is afraid of eating, which causes their appetite to decrease and loss of Weight. Learn more about anorexia.

What to do: In these cases, the best option is to seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist so that depression, anxiety or anorexia can be treated and, thus, the person can feel more willing to eat, for example. In addition to psychological guidance, it is important to have a nutritionist accompaniment so that a diet is indicated according to the person's general condition and that is able to stimulate appetite.

2. Infections

Most infections, whether bacterial, viral or parasitic, have gastrointestinal symptoms, one of which is a lack of appetite. Know some symptoms of parasite infection.

What to do: When there are symptoms related to infectious diseases, it is important to go to the infectologist or general practitioner to have tests done, identifying the cause of the infection, so that the most appropriate treatment for the case can be started.

3. Chronic diseases

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, neurological disorders and cancer, for example, can present a loss of appetite as a symptom. In the case of cancer, for example, in addition to lack of appetite, there is rapid and unintended weight loss and changes in urine, for example. Know the main symptoms of cancer.

What to do: It is important to seek guidance from the general practitioner if any chronic disease is suspected. Thus, it is possible to identify the cause of the loss of appetite and start the appropriate treatment, avoiding complications and re-establishing the desire to eat.

4. Use of medicines

Some medications have a side effect of decreased appetite, which is not very serious, unless other symptoms appear that may interfere with the person's quality of life.

What to do: If the loss of appetite related to the use of medications interferes with the person's daily activities, it is important that it is communicated to the doctor so that he can check the possibility of replacing the medication with one that does not have this effect.

5. Use of legal and illegal drugs

The consumption of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and other drugs can also interfere with appetite, in addition to causing several other health complications.

What to do: The best solution for these cases is to avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, for example, because in addition to regularizing your appetite, it prevents diseases, such as liver steatosis and lung cancer, for example. In addition, it is important to maintain healthy habits, practicing regular physical activities and maintaining a balanced diet.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to consult a general practitioner when, in addition to a lack of appetite, other symptoms appear, especially rapid weight loss, as it can lead to severe malnutrition. In addition to weight loss, it is important to note if there was an increase in heart rate, extreme tiredness, fever, irritability and hormonal changes, for example.

The doctor usually recommends carrying out some tests to identify the cause of the lack of appetite and initiate treatment. One way to stimulate your appetite is through exercise and the consumption of small amounts of food every two hours.

In addition, it is extremely important that the person seeks guidance from a nutritionist to provide the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Depending on the level of nutrient loss, the nutritionist may indicate the use of dietary supplements and the consumption of foods rich in B vitamins, such as beans, nuts and green vegetables, for example. See where to find each type of vitamin B.

Lack of appetite: 5 main causes and what to do