Home Symptoms What is the homocysteine ​​test and values ​​for

What is the homocysteine ​​test and values ​​for


Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid present in blood plasma that is related to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease or heart attack, for example, since its high levels can cause changes in blood vessels.

Usually, the cardiologist or general practitioner can order a homocysteine ​​test to observe the amount of this amino acid in the blood, assessing the need to start a treatment to prevent the cardiovascular problems mentioned above, if the value is high.

The normal values ​​of homocysteine ​​in blood tests must be below 15 µmol / L, although this value may vary slightly depending on the laboratory that analyzes it.

Reference values

Normal reference values ​​may vary between laboratories, however, normally the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood is considered normal when it is between 5 and 15 µmol / L. Values ​​above this usually represent a higher cardiovascular risk, since homocysteine ​​can directly damage cells.

To assess cardiovascular risk, the reference values ​​are usually:

  • Low risk of cardiovascular disease: between 15 and 30 µmol / L; Intermediate risk of cardiovascular disease: between 30 and 100 µmol / L; High risk of cardiovascular disease: greater than 100 µmol / L.

According to the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood, the doctor can indicate the best form of treatment. Values ​​below the reference value must also be treated, as it can result in the failure of the immune system and the fight against oxidative stress, which can lead to cell death and toxic effects in the body.

Some medications can interfere with the test result, increasing blood homocysteine ​​levels. Therefore, it is important to inform the laboratory if you are using any medication so that it is taken into account when analyzing it.

What can indicate

Homocysteine ​​levels in the body are measured from the blood test ordered by the doctor, which must be done with the person fasting for at least 12 hours.

1. Low homocysteine

The low homocysteine ​​value can happen mainly due to supplementation with vitamin B or folic acid, especially in pregnancy, as these substances decrease the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

Normally, values ​​slightly below the reference value are not of concern, however, when the concentration of homocysteine ​​is very low, it can result in damage to the body, since there is a decrease in the production of antioxidants, causing toxic substances to accumulate in the body.

When the homocysteine ​​value is very low and for no apparent reason, it is recommended to consult a general practitioner to assess the problem, as it may be a sign of low production of this amino acid.

What to do: When the cause of the decrease in homocysteine ​​is known, such as vitamin B or folic acid supplementation, for example, the doctor usually recommends interrupting or changing the supplementation dosage until the homocysteine ​​concentration returns to normal.

In other situations, a change in diet may be recommended in order to consume less foods rich in vitamin B6 and B12, such as fish, bananas, avocados and vegetables, and in folate, such as beans, spinach and lentils, for example.

2. High homocysteine

High homocysteine ​​is caused by excessive consumption of proteins, especially red meat, which can cause damage to blood vessel walls, leading to the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.

The increase in homocysteine ​​in the blood may also be due to:

  • Genetic diseases that alter your metabolism; Low food intake with vitamin B6 or 12; Diseases such as hypothyroidism, kidney disease or psoriasis; Use of some medicines.

In addition, other factors associated with the increase in homocysteine ​​are lifestyle, due to some habits such as smoking, excessive coffee consumption and lack of physical activity.

Thus, whenever there are high values ​​of this amino acid, the doctor should make a clinical evaluation and request tests to detect its cause and provide further guidance.

How to lower homocysteine

Treatment for elevated homocysteine ​​should be done by decreasing the intake of foods with protein, especially red meat. In addition, it is advisable to increase food intake with vitamins B6 or B12, such as liver steak, salmon or seafood, for example.

In some cases, when food is not enough to lower homocysteine, the doctor may also prescribe the use of dietary supplements with folic acid, vitamin B2, taurine or betaine to help decrease the amount of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

What is the homocysteine ​​test and values ​​for