Home Bulls Next day pill diad: how to take and side effects

Next day pill diad: how to take and side effects


Diad is a morning-after pill used in an emergency to prevent pregnancy, after intimate contact without a condom, or when there is a suspected failure of the contraceptive method routinely used. It is important to note that this remedy is not abortive nor does it protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Diad is a medication that has Levonorgestrel as its active substance, and in order for the medication to work effectively, it must be taken as soon as possible, up to a maximum of 72 hours after unprotected intimate contact. This medicine is an emergency method, so Diad should not be used frequently, as it can cause side effects due to its high hormone concentration.

This remedy can be obtained in pharmacies with an average price of 17 reais.

How to take

The first Diad tablet should be administered as soon as possible after intercourse, not exceeding 72 hours, as the effectiveness decreases when there is a delay in starting treatment. The second tablet should always be taken 12 hours after the first. If vomiting occurs within 2 hours of taking the tablet, the dose should be repeated.

Possible side effects

The main side effects that can occur with this medication are lower abdominal pain, headaches, dizziness, tiredness, nausea and vomiting, changes in the menstrual cycle, tenderness in the breasts and irregular bleeding.

See other side effects that can be caused by the morning after pill.

Who should not use

The emergency pill cannot be used in confirmed pregnancies or lactating women.

Find out all about the morning after pill.

Next day pill diad: how to take and side effects