Home Bulls Sexual impotence in diabetes: what causes it and how to treat it

Sexual impotence in diabetes: what causes it and how to treat it


Diabetes can be an important cause of sexual impotence, as it causes a series of vascular and sensory changes that can make it harder for blood to reach the penis and tenderness, thus making erection and pleasure difficult during sexual contact.

This is because, in order to have and maintain an erection, man needs physical and psychological stimuli that will increase blood circulation in the genital area and if it does not, it is more difficult to have the necessary conditions for satisfactory intimate contact.

Why impotence in diabetes appears

Male sexual impotence in diabetes happens due to some changes caused by diabetes, such as:

  • Decreased circulation, which also decreases the arrival of blood in the penile region; Obstruction of the penile artery, which decreases the concentration of blood in this location due to atherosclerosis; Changes in penile sensitivity that decreases sexual pleasure; Stress and anxiety due to restrictions on food, need for circulatory care and fear of becoming ill.

Therefore, if a man has any of these changes, he is likely to develop erectile problems and sexual impotence. In addition, diabetes can also cause infertility, understand how diabetes can cause infertility.

How to get to cure impotence

Sexual impotence caused by diabetes cannot always be cured or completely reversed, because it depends on the severity in which the blood vessels have been affected. In the most severe cases, even with treatment, it may not be enough for a satisfactory erection, but it is only possible to find out if it can be reversed after starting treatment and observing the results.

Measures such as the control of glucose values ​​and blood pressure, maintenance of the ideal weight through a balanced diet and regular visits to the doctor can be important in maintaining a healthy life, helping in the treatment of impotence caused by diabetes. In addition, the doctor may recommend more specific treatments, such as:

  • Use vasodilator drugs, such as Viagra; Do regular physical exercise, with a 1-hour run, 3 times a week, for example; Implant a semi-rigid prosthesis in the penis, which is used in the most severe cases in which other forms of treatment did not work.

It is essential that each case is carefully analyzed by a specialized urologist, as it is a fragile region of the body and self-medication can be extremely harmful, and can bring even more complications.

In addition, psychological support, understanding on the part of the partner and the accomplishment of some activities capable of reestablishing a greater bond between the couple are necessary, trying to remove as much as possible all the factors that may increase anxiety to improve intimate contact.

Watch the following video and find out what other exercises you can do to improve your symptoms:

Sexual impotence in diabetes: what causes it and how to treat it