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What tests evaluate the liver


To assess the health of the liver, the doctor may order blood tests, ultrasound and even a biopsy, as these are tests that provide important information about changes in that organ.

The liver participates in the digestion and metabolism of food and, in addition, it is through it that the ingested medicines pass, for example. Thus, when there is some dysfunction in the liver, the person may have more difficulty in properly digesting fats, needing to follow a special diet, in addition to avoid using medications without a prescription. Check the functions of the liver.

Tests that your doctor may order to assess your liver health include:

1. Blood tests: AST, ALT, Gamma-GT

Whenever the doctor needs to assess the health of the liver he begins by ordering a blood test called a Hepatogram, which assesses: AST, ALT, GGT, albumin, bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase and the prothrombin time. These tests are usually ordered together and provide important information about the condition of the liver, being altered when there is an injury, as they are very sensitive markers. Learn how to understand the ALT exam and the AST exam.

These tests can also be ordered when the person has symptoms of liver involvement such as yellow skin, dark urine, abdominal pain or swelling in the liver area. However, the doctor can also order these tests when he needs to assess the liver of a person who takes medication daily, consumes a lot of alcohol or has a disease that affects him directly or indirectly.

2. Imaging exams

Ultrasonography, elastography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance are able to demonstrate through images generated on a computer how the structure of the liver is found, making it easy for the technician to identify the presence of cysts or tumors. It may also be useful, in some cases, to assess the passage of blood through the organ.

Usually, the doctor orders this type of test when blood tests are abnormal or when the liver is very swollen. It can also be indicated after an automobile or sports accident when organ damage is suspected.

3. Biopsy

Biopsy is usually requested when the doctor has found important changes in test results, such as an increase in ALT, AST or GGT, and especially when a lump or cyst is found in the liver during ultrasound.

This examination can indicate whether the liver cells are normal, are severely affected by diseases, such as cirrhosis, or if there are cancer cells, so that the diagnosis can be made and the appropriate treatment can be started. The biopsy is done with a needle that penetrates the skin and reaches the liver, and small pieces of the organ are removed, which are sent to the laboratory and analyzed through visualization under a microscope. See what it is for and how the liver biopsy is done.

What tests evaluate the liver