Home Symptoms Cheese with ham, a dangerous combination

Cheese with ham, a dangerous combination


Cheese with ham can be a dangerous combination, especially in cases of anemia and osteoporosis because the combination of these foods hinders the absorption of iron and calcium.

The iron that is present in the ham will hinder the absorption of calcium that is in the cheese and vice versa. In this way, a large part of both iron and calcium is not properly used by the body. Ideally, these ingredients should be consumed at separate times and, therefore, you should also avoid foods with ham and cheese.

In addition, cheese and ham have fat in their composition, so it is best to choose minas cheese or lean versions of cheese and turkey ham to reduce the amount of fat eaten. For a healthy adult, French bread with Minas cheese and turkey ham is a good combination for snacks, although the calcium and iron in this meal will not be well used by the body.

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Cheese with ham, a dangerous combination