Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for vaginal discharge

Home remedy for vaginal discharge


Vaginal discharge can be treated naturally with the use of guava leaf tea and through proper nutrition, as this helps the vaginal flora to return to normal. However, if the discharge persists even after 3 days of home treatment, it is advisable to go to the gynecologist.

In addition, during home treatment for vaginal discharge, condoms should be used in all sexual intercourse to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. See what to do if you had sex without a condom.

1. Guava tea for vaginal discharge

A great home remedy to end the yellowish-green and smelly vaginal discharge or white discharge like curdled milk, are the guava leaves, known by the scientific name Psidium guajava L.


  • 30 g of guava leaves; 1 liter of water.

Method of preparation

Boil water, turn off the heat and then add the herb and cover for 3 to 5 minutes. Then strain and make a sitz bath with this tea, carefully washing the entire genital area. Repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times a day.

The runny sitz bath made with guava leaves is effective in treating the discharge caused by Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis. In addition, the home remedy is safe and does not cause side effects, nor has contraindications.

2. Guava and sweet broom tea


  • 1 handful of guava leaves, 1 handful of sweet broom leaves, 2 glasses of water.

Method of preparation

Place the guava and sweet broom leaves in a container and add boiled water. Cover, let cool and strain.

Do intimate hygiene normally and, when finished, wash the place with the infusion for a few minutes. Dry with a clean, soft cloth. The washing should be repeated every day before going to bed, for 1 week.

Food to combat vaginal discharge

In addition to the use of the sitz bath, food can help with the treatment of discharge. One should invest in foods such as fruits and vegetables, natural yogurt, chicory, cabbage, lemon, melon or pomegranate, for example, avoiding the consumption of processed foods as much as possible.

This type of food changes the pH of the blood and the female intimate region, facilitating the rebalancing of the vaginal flora. However, if the discharge persists for more than 3 days, even with home treatments, a medical consultation is recommended. Understand the meaning of the color of the vaginal discharge.

Home remedy for vaginal discharge