Home Symptoms Know how to identify the lack of vitamins in the body

Know how to identify the lack of vitamins in the body


The lack of vitamins, or avitaminosis, is the lack of vitamins in the body, caused by the malabsorption of the organism or by the lack of vitamin intake in the form of food or supplement. Vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of the human body and are present in food in general, but especially in fruits and vegetables.

The best way to consume all the vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body is to eat a healthy and varied diet, preferably including fresh and organic foods. But, vitamin supplementation with pills is also an alternative to prevent the lack of vitamins (avitaminosis) and its consequences, or to treat it, although the consumption of vitamin complexes should not replace a good diet, nor be consumed without medical guidance and supervision..

Diseases caused by Lack of Vitamins

Some diseases that are caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals can be:

  • RicketsObesityMetabolic disorders Anemia

To combat these diseases, prevention is best through a varied diet with consumption of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and vegetables.

Symptoms of lack of vitamins

The symptoms of lack of vitamins in the body are very varied because they depend on the vitamin that is lacking, but also on the intensity of the vitamin deficiency. Some of the most typical signs and symptoms of avitaminosis can be:

  • Dry, rough skin with flaking Growth retardation in children Problems in cognitive and motor development in childrenDay sleepTiredness

To diagnose diseases related to avitaminosis, in addition to the patient's symptoms and medical history, there are clinical tests to determine exactly what vitamin is missing in the organism that is causing the disease.

What causes lack of vitamins

The lack of vitamins can be caused by eating a little varied food, as in the case of people who do not like to eat many fruits or vegetables, which are the source foods of vitamins, called regulating foods, which maintain the proper functioning of the body and prevent the development of some diseases that can be a consequence of avitaminosis.

Another possible cause of the lack of vitamin in the body may be the deficiency in the absorption of nutrients. In this case, despite the ingestion of foods that are sources of vitamins, the body is unable to absorb them and the body goes into avitaminosis. For example, in the case of people who consume many laxatives or who consume many fibers, which do not allow the intestinal bacteria to properly ferment the fecal cake and absorb the vitamins.

Sometimes digestive deficiency due to the lack of certain enzymes can also cause avitaminosis, so it is very important for a specialized health professional to assess the origin of avitaminosis.

Treatment for lack of vitamins

The best treatment for the lack of vitamins is supplementation with missing vitamin in the form of pills or injection, as in the case of pellagra or night blindness. However, often, to reverse symptoms of mild avitaminosis, such as hair loss or dry skin, a more careful diet corrects this deficiency.

Know how to identify the lack of vitamins in the body