Home Symptoms Know what can make your knee pop

Know what can make your knee pop


Cracking in the joints, scientifically known as joint crackling, usually occurs due to friction between the bones present in the joint and due to a decrease in the production of synovial fluid within the joint.

Most of the time, the knee cracking does not represent any special illness and therefore does not need specific treatment. However, the permanence of this signal may indicate that it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the legs and thighs because this reduces the risk of friction and also naturally improves the lubrication of the joint capsule.

To make sure your knee is cracking, you can try to squat a little with your hand over your knee and see if you hear any sound or feel the crackle in the joint. It is not always possible to hear the click, but it is common to feel the friction of the patella when squatting.

If in addition to the pops you feel pain in your knees, see what you can do to relieve the pain at home while you wait for the doctor's appointment.

Main causes of knee crackling

The most common causes of knee crackling are:

1. Excess weight

Whenever you are above your ideal weight, your knees are subjected to a load greater than they should be able to withstand. In this case, the entire structure can be compromised, and it is common to have complaints such as pain when walking, exercising or efforts such as going up and down stairs.

How to treat: it is important to lose weight by eating a low-calorie diet recommended by a nutritionist and practicing low-impact exercises, such as walking in flat places using running shoes because they absorb more impact and therefore protect the joints. Here's how to eat a healthy diet to lose weight fast.

2. Knee arthrosis

It happens when there is a wear of the joint, which can happen due to a blow, trauma or just due to advancing age, with an approximation between the thigh and leg bones, causing pain and sometimes swelling.

How to treat: you can use cold or hot compresses, exercise, or take anti-inflammatories under medical guidance and sometimes surgery to place a knee prosthesis. Here are some of the exercises that help improve arthrosis.

3. Misaligned body

Misalignment of the body, even if microscopically, can also leave the knees cracking by a compensating mechanism and, therefore, body posture and the joints of the spine, hips and ankles should be evaluated.

How to treat: Doing exercises like Pilates, Swimming can be useful, but a physiotherapy technique called Global Postural Reeducation achieves excellent results because it promotes the realignment of the entire body, reducing the overload on the joints and the compensations of the muscles. Check out 5 exercises you can do at home to improve posture.

4. Changes in the patella

The cracking knee can also be a sign of patellar crackle, which can also be caused by arthrosis, caused by the natural aging process, a stroke or inflammation, or a disease called patellar chondromalacia. If the knee is just cracking but there is no pain and no associated limitations, no specific treatment is needed.

How to treat: It may be necessary to do physiotherapy sessions using devices and exercises to align the patella and reduce this discomfort.

When to go to the doctor or physiotherapist

It is important to go to the doctor or physiotherapist if in addition to hearing that the knee is cracking you observe:

  • Pain when moving your knees, when going up or down stairs or crouching; If your knee is red or swollen; If you think your knee is out of place.

When these symptoms are present they may indicate arthritis, osteoarthritis, ruptures or inflammation of the ligaments or menisci, and it may be necessary to have tests and take medication or physiotherapy sessions to treat.

During physiotherapeutic treatment, it is recommended not to take any weight, not to wear heavy and uncomfortable shoes and to avoid going up and down stairs as much as possible. A good way to save this joint a little is to put an elastic bandage on your knee during the day. However, it should not be too tight, to avoid circulatory problems.

Know what can make your knee pop