Home Symptoms 7 Different types of poop and what they say about health

7 Different types of poop and what they say about health


The shape of the poop and the frequency of visits to the bathroom reflect intestinal health and are used as a way to diagnose problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, poor diet and anal incontinence, in addition to being useful to accompany the recovery from intestinal surgeries.

In normal situations, the stools must have a soft consistency, but they must be able to maintain their shape, which must be slightly elongated, being similar to a sausage, for example. Ideally, consistency and shape should not cause pain or difficulty in evacuating. However, small variations are relatively frequent and can happen without indicating a problem, since it can vary according to the food eaten.

To help assess the shape and consistency of feces, the Bristol Stool Consistency Scale was created, which shows through images and descriptions 7 possible stool formats, saying which are normal and which are the probable problems associated with each.

Type 1: small hard balls

Type 1 feces are characterized by small hard balls separated as small coconuts, and are usually hard to leave. In general, this shape is linked to an acute change in the intestinal flora, as soon after the use of antibiotics or a fiber-free diet. Learn how to eat a high-fiber diet to regulate the gut.

This is because in the absence of bacteria and fibers in the intestine, there is nothing to help retain water, making the pieces of stool hard and difficult to pass, and bleeding may occur in the anus. In this case, flatulence is not common, as there are no bacteria or fibers for fermentation in the intestine and gas production.

To correct the problem, you should increase your fiber intake, using whole foods, fruits and vegetables, in addition to consuming 1 cup of natural yogurt a day, which is rich in good bacteria for the intestine. In addition, the doctor may prescribe probiotics in the form of pills or powder. See more about what probiotics are and what they are for.

Type 2: lumpy sausage

Type 2 is represented by feces compacted into a single mass, but with a lumpy or lumpy appearance. This is the most painful type, as it is rigid and its size can exceed the opening of the anal canal. During evacuation, a lot of effort is required to eliminate the stool and bleeding, fissures, hemorrhoids or diverticulosis are common. Know the main symptoms of diverticulosis and how to treat it.

The most common causes of this type of stool are hemorrhoids, anal fissures, retention or delay of defecation and a history of chronic constipation, and these cases can lead to irritable bowel syndrome due to the continuous pressure of large stools on the intestinal walls.. To treat, you need to go to the doctor and do tests, but normally probiotics and drugs that stimulate intestinal transit are also used, in addition to a balanced diet.

Type 3: cracked sausage

This type is very similar to 2, but the time in which the stools are stopped and accumulated in the intestine is shorter, which makes the stool size smaller and the frequency of bowel movements more regular, but still requires some effort to evacuate.

The causes and consequences are the same as for type 2, especially the presence of irritable bowel syndrome and the appearance of hemorrhoids.

Type 4: smooth and soft sausage

Type 4 stools are elongated, smooth and soft, resembling the shape of a sausage or a snake. It is a normal format for those who defecate once a day. In general, they have a diameter of 1 to 2 cm, and evacuation occurs effortlessly.

Type 5: soft pieces

Type 5 is characterized by stools separated into soft pieces and with well-defined edges, being easy to leave. It is typical for those who evacuate 2 to 3 times a day, which usually happens after large meals.

Type 6: pasty and fluffy dough

The type is formed by a doughy and fluffy mass, with irregular edges. In this case, it is usually difficult to control the urge to evacuate, and it also usually causes a lot of dirt when using toilet paper as the first option instead of the bathroom shower.

Type 6 may be linked to causes such as a slightly overactive colon, excess dietary potassium or sudden dehydration, or stress-related blood pressure rise. In addition, it may be linked to the frequent use of homemade spices, excessive use of energy drinks or laxatives.

Type 7: diarrhea

Type 7 is characterized by diarrhea, that is, bowel movements that are totally liquid and without solid pieces, which are usually accompanied by dehydration and abdominal pain.

It can be caused by several types of diseases, such as viruses, intestinal infection and lactose intolerance, and it is also very common in children who do not yet have a well-formed intestinal flora and in the elderly. See the 6 main causes of belly pain.

In general, stools in formats 3, 4 and 5 are considered normal, especially when the bowel maintains a good frequency of bowel movements. Also see what the color of the stool can say about your health.

Also watch the following video and see the tips to make your poop look better and healthier:

7 Different types of poop and what they say about health