Constipation can be combated with simple measures, such as physical activity and adequate nutrition, but also through the use of natural remedies or laxatives, which should be used as directed by the doctor.
However, the use of any medicine for constipation, including natural remedies, is always risky and should only be done as a last resort, because the organism can get used to the remedies, ceasing to work by itself. In this way and to avoid this, the recommended to treat and prevent constipation is to consume vegetables, greens, fruits, seeds rich in fibers such as chia every day, drink about 2 liters of water a day and exercise regularly.. Learn more about what to do to control constipation.
Constipation Remedies
When constipation cannot be resolved through food and physical activity, the doctor may recommend the use of some medicines, such as:
- Lacto purga; Dulcolax; Lactuliv; Minilax; Almeida Prado 46; Naturetti; FiberMais; Laxol.
These remedies can be indicated by the doctor in order to facilitate the exit of the stool and promote the rapid emptying of the intestine. In addition, in the case of natural medicines, such as Almeida Prado, Naturetti, FiberMais and Laxol, the side effects are less. It is important that these remedies are used as directed by the doctor and only when necessary.
Infant constipation
Laxative remedies should not be used to treat constipation in a baby or child, as they draw a lot of water from the body, which can cause dehydration. Therefore, to treat infantile constipation one must resort to home remedies such as pure orange juice or prune.
Constipation in pregnancy
Constipation remedies during pregnancy should only be used if the other homemade measures do not work. In addition, its use should only be made under the prescription of the obstetrician who accompanies the pregnancy.
So, to treat constipation in pregnancy it is important to drink about 2 liters of water a day, consume foods rich in fiber such as All-Bran cereals, cabbage, sesame, apple or passion fruit, for example and take a walk about 2 to 3 times a day.
Home treatment
The home treatment for constipation is made through the consumption of foods rich in fiber, as they stimulate the functioning of the intestine and, consequently, the exit of feces. Some options for home remedies for constipation are papaya smoothie with yogurt and flaxseed, black plums and orange juice with papaya. See how to prepare home remedies for constipation.
If the person follows all these tips and still remains constipated, a medical consultation is recommended, as there may be some more serious intestinal complications.
Find out what to do in case of constipation by watching the following video: