Home Symptoms What happens in the cigarette withdrawal crisis

What happens in the cigarette withdrawal crisis


The first symptoms of withdrawal from smoking usually appear within hours of quitting, and mood swings, anger, anxiety and apathy usually appear. In addition, headaches, tiredness, feelings of sadness, difficulty concentrating and increased appetite may also appear.

However, the time these symptoms take to appear vary according to each person and the degree of dependence, and it can take up to 48 hours to appear after smoking the last cigarette, and can also be felt by hookah smokers, once that this hookah can be as or more addictive than the cigarette itself. See the health risks of smoking hookah.

Withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms, also known as nicotine withdrawal syndrome, can appear about 12 hours after smoking cessation due to a lack of nicotine in the body, especially when the person is highly dependent. The main withdrawal symptoms are:

1. Irritability

The cigarette often works as an "escape valve", it is a way to de-stress. So, when I quit smoking, it is possible that the person became more irritated and upset in situations that were not so important before. Because of this, it is recommended that when quitting smoking the person should look for another habit that helps them to relax and feel better.

2. Tremor and increased sweat

Tremors and increased sweat production are common in case of abstinence and, for this, it is recommended to wear lighter clothes so that the body is more ventilated and sweating is not so excessive, and that you drink coffee, as in some Caffeine can help control tremors.

3. Increased appetite

Lack of cigarettes can cause anxiety and, as a result of this psychological change, there may be an increase in appetite in an attempt to relieve anxiety symptoms. Therefore, in this situation it is recommended that foods rich in fiber, such as oats and wheat bran, be consumed, which can be easily added to yogurt and meals, for example.

Know what to eat so you don't get fat after quitting watching the following video:

4. Chest tightness and cough

As a consequence of the decrease in the amount of circulating nicotine it is also possible that there is tightness in the chest, which may be related to emotional factors, and cough, which can be controlled with the consumption of water and teas.

5. Nasal discharge

In some cases it is also possible that the sensation of a runny nose may appear, however this should pass in a few days. It is important to keep the nostrils clean, using saline to clean and relieve discomfort.

6. Insomnia

Insomnia is also related to the anxiety generated by the lack of cigarettes. To combat this symptom, you can have a chamomile or passionflower tea later at night, before going to sleep, to help improve the quality of sleep. However, if that is not enough, you can talk to the doctor and ask for a medication to help you sleep better.

7. Constipation

Constipation can also happen as a consequence of stopping the use of cigarettes and, therefore, to improve the intestine it is important to consume laxative fruits, such as papaya and plum, and drink plenty of water during the day to humidify the fecal cake and facilitate the your exit.

The withdrawal crisis lasts an average of 1 month, varying according to each person and the amount of cigarettes he smokes, and it is the worst phase of the process of quitting. However, after 2 or 3 months it is already possible to live better without the cigarette and without the withdrawal crises.

Health Benefits

Although it is difficult to overcome cigarette withdrawal crises, one must always remember the health benefits that stop smoking bring, such as reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack, lung cancer or other types of cancer, high blood pressure, cataracts and respiratory diseases. Another benefit brought about by smoking cessation is the increase in fertility in both men and women, in addition to the regulation of the menstrual cycle, which can be affected by the toxic substances of smoking.

Some of these benefits can be felt after a few days without smoking, but it is only after about 5 years that the body is healthy again and free from toxins and harms from smoking. In addition, after about 15 years, the risk of developing lung cancer becomes lower, being equivalent to the risk of a non-smoker developing.

Check out some tips to quit smoking.

Tips and remedies

Some tips that help a lot to stop smoking are to do physical activity regularly, as it releases hormones that give the feeling of pleasure and well-being to the body, chew gum or suck a candy whenever you want to smoke and eat more fruits and vegetables to improve your bowel function.

In addition, some medications can be used to assist in the process, such as Champix and Zyban, as they help to control withdrawal symptoms and reduce the urge to smoke. See other medications to help you stop smoking.

What happens in the cigarette withdrawal crisis