Home Symptoms 6 Major diseases of the urinary system and how to treat

6 Major diseases of the urinary system and how to treat


Urinary tract infection is the disease most often associated with the urinary system and can occur in both men and women regardless of age. However, other diseases can affect the urinary system, such as kidney failure, chronic kidney disease, kidney stones and bladder and kidney cancer, for example.

It is important that whenever there is a sign or symptom of alteration in the urinary system, such as pain or burning when urinating, urine with foam or with a very strong smell or presence of blood in the urine, the nephrologist or urologist should be contacted so that tests can be done that can indicate the cause of the symptoms and thus treatment can begin.

1. Urinary infection

Urinary tract infection corresponds to the proliferation of a microorganism, bacteria or fungus, anywhere in the urinary system, causing symptoms such as pain, discomfort and a burning sensation when urinating, for example. Most of the time, the symptoms of infection arise due to the imbalance of the microbiota in the genital region, due to stress or poor hygiene, for example.

Urinary tract infection can receive a specific classification according to the structure of the affected urinary system:

  • Cystitis, which is the most frequent type of urinary infection and occurs when a microorganism reaches the bladder, causing cloudy urine, abdominal pain, heaviness in the bottom of the belly, low and persistent fever and burning sensation when urinating; Urethritis, which happens when the bacteria or fungus reaches the urethra, causing inflammation and leading to symptoms such as frequent urge to urinate, pain or burning to urinate and yellow discharge.
  • Nephritis, which is the most serious infection and occurs when the infectious agent reaches the kidneys, causes inflammation and leads to the appearance of symptoms such as urgent urge to urinate, but in small quantities, cloudy and cloudy smelling urine, presence of blood in the urine, abdominal pain and fever.

How to treat: The treatment for urinary tract infection should be recommended by the urologist according to the signs and symptoms presented by the person, as well as according to the result of the requested urinalysis, the use of the antibiotic Ciprofloxacino being normally indicated. In cases where symptoms are not observed, the use of antibiotics is usually not recommended, just monitoring the person in order to check if there was an increase in the amount of bacteria. Know other remedies for urinary tract infection.

2. Renal failure

Renal failure is characterized by the difficulty of the kidney to filter the blood correctly and promote the elimination of substances harmful to the body, accumulating in the blood and can result in diseases, such as increased blood pressure and blood acidosis, which leads to the appearance of some characteristic signs and symptoms, such as shortness of breath, palpitations and disorientation, for example.

How to treat it: When renal failure is identified as soon as the first symptoms appear, it is possible to reverse it through the use of medications indicated by the urologist or nephrologist and by changing eating habits in order to avoid kidney overload. In addition, in some cases hemodialysis may be recommended so that the blood is filtered and the accumulated substances are removed.

Find out in the video below how food should be used to treat kidney failure:

3. Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease, also called CKD or chronic kidney failure, is the progressive loss of kidney function that does not lead to the appearance of signs or symptoms that indicate loss of function, being only noticed when the kidney is almost gone occupation.

CKD symptoms are more frequent in older people, hypertensive, diabetic or with a family history of CKD and appear when the disease is already at a more advanced stage, and the person may have swelling in the feet, weakness, urine with foam, itchy body, cramps and loss of appetite for no apparent reason, for example. Learn how to identify chronic kidney disease.

How to treat: The treatment of CKD is done, in the most severe cases, through hemodialysis to remove substances that are in excess in the blood and that have not been properly removed by the kidneys. In addition, the use of some medications and a change in diet may be recommended by the doctor to avoid kidney overload. See how the treatment of CKD should be.

4. Kidney stones

Kidney stones are popularly called kidney stones and they appear suddenly, they can be eliminated through urine or become stuck in the urethra, causing a lot of pain, especially in the lumbar region and which can cause difficulty in moving, and the presence of blood in the kidney. urine. Kidney stones can have different compositions and their formation is closely related to life habits, such as lack of physical activity, incorrect diet and little water consumption during the day, but it can also be directly linked to genetic factors.

How to treat: The treatment for kidney stones can vary according to the intensity of the symptoms and the size and location of the stones, which is verified by means of image examination. In some cases, the doctor may recommend the use of medications to relieve pain and facilitate the elimination of the stone. However, when the stone is large or is obstructing the urethra or ureter, for example, it may be recommended to perform a minor surgery to remove the stone.

In all cases, it is important to drink plenty of water and be careful with your food, as this way, in addition to treating the existing stone, it prevents the appearance of others. Understand how to eat to avoid kidney stones:

5. Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is characterized by involuntary loss of urine, which can happen in both men and women regardless of age. Incontinence can happen due to increased pressure in the bladder, which is more frequent in pregnancy, or due to changes in the muscular structures that support the pelvic floor.

How to treat: In these cases, the recommendation is that exercises be done to strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent the involuntary loss of urine. In addition, the use of medication or surgery may be indicated in the most severe cases. Find out how to treat urinary incontinence.

6. Cancer

Some types of cancer can affect the urinary system, as is the case with bladder and kidney cancer, which can happen when malignant cells develop in these organs or be the focus of metastases. In general, bladder and kidney cancer causes symptoms such as pain and burning when urinating, increased urge to urinate, excessive tiredness, loss of appetite, presence of blood in the urine, appearance of mass in the abdominal region and weight loss without apparent cause.

How to treat: The treatment must be indicated after identification of the type and degree of cancer, and the nephrologist or oncologist can perform surgery to remove the tumor, followed by chemo or radiotherapy or immunotherapy. In some cases, kidney transplants may also be necessary when the kidney is found to be severely damaged.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of diseases of the urinary system must be made by the urologist or nephrologist according to the signs and symptoms presented by the person. Usually, urine and urine culture tests are indicated to check if there are any changes in these tests and if there are infections.

In addition, biochemical tests that assess kidney function, such as the measurement of urea and creatinine in the blood, are recommended. It is also recommended to measure some biochemical cancer markers, such as BTA, CEA and NPM22, which are usually altered in bladder cancer, in addition to imaging tests that allow visualization of the urinary system.

6 Major diseases of the urinary system and how to treat