- Indications of Thiopentax
- Thiopentax price
- Side effects of Thiopentax
- Contraindications for Thiopentax
- How to use Thiopentax
Thiopentax is an anesthetic medication whose active substance is Thiopental.
This injectable drug is indicated for general anesthesia for short-term procedures and in cases of seizure after some type of anesthesia. The action of this medication is very short, it has a direct effect on the central nervous system and produces hypnosis and then anesthesia.
Indications of Thiopentax
General anesthesia; convulsion.
Thiopentax price
The 1g box of Thiopentax costs approximately 699 reais.
Side effects of Thiopentax
Heart depression; change in heart rhythm; respiratory depression; narrowing of the larynx; narrowing of the bronchi and bronchioles; sneezing; cough; somnolence; tremor.
Contraindications for Thiopentax
Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; bronchopneumonia or decreased lung function; acute intermittent porphyria; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.
How to use Thiopentax
Injectable Use
- It is necessary to read the manufacturer's instructions, since there are several forms of preparation, with specific concentrations and that require specific diluents.