Home Bulls 5 Options of natural hair dyes: to paint at home

5 Options of natural hair dyes: to paint at home


Some plant extracts, such as chamomile, henna and hibiscus, serve as hair dye, enhance the color and natural shine, and can be prepared and applied at home, often being an option for pregnant women who do not want to expose themselves to chemical components of conventional dyes.

However, it is important to note that solutions made at home with these natural plants do not always produce a color as strong and intense as that of industrial paints, as they are more prone to oxidation, color changes and fading. Therefore, before any application it is necessary to keep as hydrated as possible so that the color is more evident. See some more homemade mask options to moisturize your hair.

1. Beet

Beet has a substance called beta-carotene, which has an antioxidant function and has a reddish pigment that can be used to enhance the reddish color of hair strands and is also indicated to give shine. To make natural beet paint, simply follow the instructions below.


  • 1 chopped beet, 1 liter of water;

Method of preparation

Place the beets in a pan and cook for approximately 30 minutes. Then, use the reddish water from the beet cooking to wash your hair after washing and do not rinse. The water where the beets are cooked can be stored in a container and always applied to the hair as the last rinse.

2. Henna

Henna is a natural dye extracted from the Lawsonia inermis plant and is often used to get a temporary tattoo and to thicken the eyebrow. However, henna has substances that help to balance the pH of the scalp and because of its pigments, it can be used to make the hair reddish. The ideal is to do the painting with this product, with the help of a professional hairdresser.


  • 1/2 cup of henna powder, 4 tablespoons of water;

Method of preparation

Mix the water with the henna powder until it becomes a paste, put a plastic film on top and let it rest for about 12 hours. Then, apply coconut oil on the hair contour so that the henna does not stain the skin and with the aid of a glove pass the product through the hair strands. Let the henna act for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash and moisturize the hair.

3. Chamomile

Chamomile is a plant used in many cosmetic products, such as shampoos and moisturizing masks, as it has substances such as apigenin, capable of lightening hair strands, leaving them brighter and with a golden and yellow-brown color. The effects of chamomile are not instantaneous, so it takes several days of use to verify the effects of use.


  • 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers; 500 ml of water;

Method of preparation

Boil the water and add the dried chamomile flowers, cover the container and wait for it to cool. Then, strain the mixture and rinse the hair strands, allowing to act for 20 minutes. Then, you can wash your hair normally, with moisturizer or conditioner. See more other options of homemade recipes with chamomile to lighten your hair.

4. Hibiscus

The hibiscus is a flower with flavonoid substances that has a reddish pigment and therefore can be used as a natural hair dye. This plant is also able to control dandruff, reduce the effects of ultraviolet rays on hair strands and helps with hair growth. Hibiscus tea can enhance your hair color and make your hair look redder.


  • 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of dry hibiscus;

Method of preparation

Place the dried hibiscus in the boiling water and let it rest for 15 minutes. Then, it is necessary to strain the solution, apply the tea to clean hair, let it act for 20 minutes and wash your hair as usual. Some places sell powdered hibiscus, which can be mixed with henna and this gives a more reddish effect to the hair strands.

5. Black tea

Another good natural hair dye is black tea that can be applied to brown, black or gray hair. To make this natural ink with black tea, the following instructions must be followed.


  • 3 cups of water, 3 tablespoons of black tea;

Method of preparation

Put the water in a pan and bring to a boil. After boiling, put the black tea and water in a container, allowing to stand for half an hour. Then, wash your hair normally and apply this mixture to your hair, leaving it to act for twenty minutes, then rinse with cold water.

See other tips that can make hair more beautiful and silky:

5 Options of natural hair dyes: to paint at home