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Foods that avoid gases


The gas diet should be made with vegetables rich in water and easy to digest, such as lettuce, apples and tomatoes, which help in the correct functioning of the intestine and make the intestinal flora produce less gas, thus reducing discomfort and abdominal pain..

In addition, foods that increase gas production, such as beans, corn, peas, broccoli, cabbage, dairy products, eggs, soft drinks, among others, should be avoided.

It is also recommended to ingest 1.5 to 2 liters of water or teas, such as fennel tea or fennel, for example, which are plants that help eliminate gases.

Foods that cause gases

Foods that cause an increase in gas production in the intestine are:

  • Beans, corn, peas, lentils, chickpeas; Broccoli, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, cucumber, Brussels sprouts, turnip; Milk and cheese, especially whole and high in fat; Meats, seafood and eggs Soft drinks and other carbonated drinks.

In addition, the foods that cause excessive gas production can also vary according to each person's intestines and, therefore, when the person feels bloated and with gases, he should try to remember what he ate, to understand which foods that you should avoid.

To do this, you must eliminate one food or group of foods at a time and analyze the results. You can start with milk and dairy products, then eliminate the beans and then remove the vegetables one by one.

See how to prepare home remedies to eliminate intestinal gases.

Foods that reduce gases

In addition to removing foods that stimulate the formation of gases, it is also important to include in the diet products that improve digestion and the health of intestinal flora, such as:

  • Tomato and chicory; Yogurt kefir or natural yogurt with bifid or lactobacillus, which are good bacteria for the intestine; Consume pineapple or papaya at the end of meals, as they are fruits that help digestion; Consume lemongrass, ginger, herb teas sweet or gorse.

In addition, other tips are to avoid drinking liquids during meals, eat slowly, chew well and do physical activity regularly, as these are tips that speed up digestion and improve intestinal transit, reducing the production of gases by bacteria. Learn about other strategies to eliminate intestinal gases.

Check out these and other tips in the following video:

Foods that avoid gases