Home Symptoms Tingling in the body: main causes and what to do

Tingling in the body: main causes and what to do


The tingling sensation in the body usually occurs due to a compression in the nerve in the region, due to lack of oxygen or due to problems in the nerve or in the central nervous system.

Usually this symptom is temporary and improves with limb movement or local massages, which improve circulation. However, it can also indicate the presence of problems such as poor circulation, stroke, herniated disc and diabetes, so if it doesn't go away in a few minutes, you should see a general practitioner or go to the hospital to identify the correct cause and start the most appropriate treatment.

See natural options for treating tingling.

1. Poor positioning of the body

Sitting, lying or standing in the same position for a long time, especially with legs crossed or with a weight on the limb, causes poor circulation and compression on the local nerve, leading to the appearance of tingling. See the symptoms of poor circulation.

What to do: You should always try to move your body and stretch at least once every hour to stimulate blood circulation. During work or long plane trips, it is important to take short walks at least every 2 hours, getting up to go to the bathroom, drink water or have a cup of coffee, for example.

2. Herniated disc

Due to the wear and tear of the spine joint, a compression occurs in the nerve that runs from the spine to the buttocks and legs, causing pain and numbness in the spine, which can radiate to the legs and toes.

What to do: The hernia must be treated to prevent the onset of the symptoms of this disease, and remedies such as anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants and analgesics can be used. See everything about herniated disc treatment.

3. Diabetes

Diabetes causes poor blood circulation, especially in the extremities of the body, such as hands and feet, and numbness in this case can also be a sign of the beginning of the development of wounds or ulcers in the affected region. Check out how to identify the first symptoms of diabetes.

What to do: Keeping your blood glucose under control is the best way to get your blood flowing well and properly feeding all regions of your body. In addition, walking for at least 30 minutes a day helps to improve blood flow and lower blood glucose.

4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is a disease that causes the compression of a nerve that passes through the wrist, causing numbness and pins and needles in the hand and fingers, especially at night.

What to do: Use wristbands to immobilize the wrist, especially when going to sleep, stretching your hands or taking anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids. However, in more severe cases it may also be necessary to undergo physical therapy or even surgery. See more details of the treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.

5. Stroke and stroke

Stroke causes signs of muscle weakness on one side of the body, which is usually accompanied by tingling, difficulty speaking and dizziness, while in a heart attack, the other symptoms are pain in the chest, arm or back, malaise and nausea.

What to do: In the presence of these symptoms, the emergency room should be sought so that the patient can be seen as quickly as possible and avoid serious sequelae caused by these problems.

6. Lack of vitamin B12, calcium, potassium or sodium

The lack of any of these nutrients in the body can cause circulation problems, anemia and difficulty in transmitting nerve impulses, which can cause the sensation of numbness. See the signs that indicate a lack of vitamin B12 in the body.

What to do: You should have a varied diet, eating at least 2 glasses of milk or yogurt daily, 3 pieces of fruit and consuming greens and vegetables at the main meals.

7. Diseases of the nervous system

Diseases that affect the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, cause symptoms of repetitive tingling that affects one body member at a time, with pain in the eyes, loss of vision, dizziness and tremors.

What to do: You should see your doctor to identify the cause of the problem and start appropriate treatment. In the case of multiple sclerosis, corticosteroids, muscle relaxants and other medications should be taken according to medical advice, in addition to physical therapy. See more details here.

8. Anxiety and Stress

The tingling from excessive anxiety or stress can affect the hands, arms and tongue, and in panic syndrome this symptom is usually accompanied by cold sweat, heart palpitations and pain in the chest or belly.

What to do: In these cases, one should look for a calm place, take a deep breath several times, concentrating to regulate breathing and improve blood circulation. In addition, doing activities like yoga and pilates helps to relieve stress and anxiety. See 7 other tips to control anxiety.

9. Guillain-Barré syndrome

In Guillain-barré syndrome, which usually happens after having the flu, dengue or Zika, the sensation of numbness usually starts in the feet and goes up until it reaches the trunk and arms, in addition to being accompanied by weakness and pain in the legs, which evolves until it reaches the whole body and leaves the patient paralyzed. See who is most at risk for this syndrome.

What to do: If Guillain-barré is suspected, the emergency room should be sought, as the disease can reach the lungs and prevent breathing, making it necessary to undergo treatment at the hospital.

10. Use of some medications

Some medications can cause tingling as one of the side effects, such as chemotherapy medication, for AIDS or the antibiotic metronidazole.

What to do: You should talk to the doctor to evaluate the possibility of changing the medication or receive guidance on what to do to reduce the side effects of the medicine.

11. Excessive alcoholic beverages

Constant ingestion and large amounts of alcohol can cause damage to the nerves located at the extremities of the body, causing tingling and cramping mainly in the hands and feet.

What to do: To alleviate the symptoms, stop drinking alcoholic beverages and see a doctor to assess the presence of other diseases caused by excess alcohol in the body, such as liver problems and gall bladder stones.

12. Animal bites

The bite or sting of some animals, such as dogs, cats, snakes or spiders can cause tingling in the area. However, one should be aware of the appearance of other symptoms such as fever, burning, swelling, tremors and pus in the area, as they may indicate the presence of infection or diseases such as rabies.

What to do: Try to identify the animal that caused the injury, wash the area well and see a doctor in case of venomous animal, dog with symptoms of rabies or the appearance of any of the symptoms mentioned above.

To relieve tingling, see: Natural treatment for poor circulation

Tingling in the body: main causes and what to do