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How to prepare for surgery


Before and after any surgery, there are some precautions that are essential, which contribute to the safety of the surgery and the well-being of the patient. Before performing any surgery, it is essential to carry out routine tests indicated by the doctor, such as electrocardiogram, for example, which assess the general health status and contraindications to anesthesia or the surgical procedure.

In consultations before the procedure, you should inform the doctor about chronic diseases such as diabetes or hypertension and about the medication you use regularly, as they may increase the risk of bleeding during or after surgery, for example.

10 Care before surgery

Before performing the surgery, in addition to the instructions provided by the doctor, it is important to respect the following precautions:

  1. Talk to your doctor and clarify all your doubts and study the specific guidelines of the surgery you are going to perform, about what the surgical procedure will be like and what care is expected after the surgery; Inform your doctor about chronic diseases like diabetes or hypertension and about remedies used on a daily basis, discontinue the use of aspirin or derivatives, arnica, ginkgo biloba, natural or homeopathic remedies 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery, without a doctor's recommendation; Avoid radical or restrictive diets, as they can deprive the body of certain nutrients that contribute to rapid recovery and healing; Bet on a healthy diet rich in healing foods like milk, yogurt, orange and pineapple. Know other foods with this property in Healing foods; Try to ensure that you will have the help of family members or trained professionals during the first days of recovery after surgery, as it is necessary to rest and avoid making efforts; If you smoke, stop your addiction 1 month before surgery; Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for 7 days before surgery; On the day of the surgery, you should be fasting, and it is recommended to stop eating or drinking until midnight the previous day; For the hospital or clinic, you should take 2 comfortable clothes changes, which have no buttons and are easy to wear, underwear and some personal hygiene products such as toothbrush and toothpaste. In addition, you must also bring all the necessary tests and documents; Do not apply creams or lotions on the skin on the day of surgery, especially in the area where you will be operated.

Before any surgery it is common to experience symptoms of fear, insecurity and anxiety, which are normal since any surgery always has its risks. To reduce fear and anxiety, you should clarify all doubts with the doctor and find out about the potential risks of the procedure.

5 Care After Surgery

After surgery, recovery depends on the type of surgery performed and the body's response, but there are some precautions that must be respected, such as:

  1. Avoid eating food or liquids, especially in the first 3 to 5 hours after the procedure, as nausea and vomiting caused by anesthesia are normal. The food on the day of the surgery should be light, opting for teas, cookies and soups, depending on the body's reaction. Rest and avoid efforts in the first days of recovery, to avoid breaking the stitches and possible complications; Respect the days when it is necessary to dress the operated area and protect the wound by making the dressing waterproof, when bathing or when carrying out your personal hygiene; Pay attention to the appearance of signs of infection or inflammation in the scar of the surgery, checking for symptoms of swelling, pain, redness or bad smell.

When recovery is done at home, it is very important to know exactly how and when to apply the dressing and how to feed. In addition, only the doctor can indicate when it is possible to return to physical activity and work, as the time varies according to the type of surgery performed and the body's response.

In the recovery period, food is also especially important, avoiding the ingestion of sweets, soft drinks, fried foods or sausages, which hinder blood circulation and wound healing.

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How to prepare for surgery