Home Bulls What is situs inversus

What is situs inversus


Situs inversus is characterized by an autosomal recessive congenital anomaly, in which the main organs of the chest and abdomen are in a mirrored position in relation to the usual topography, and in some cases may be accompanied by other defects.

Most people have an asymmetry in the arrangement of the organs, in which the cardiac apex, bilobulated lung, stomach and spleen are on the left side and the vena cava, trilobulated lung and the largest lobe of the liver are on the side. right. This organ arrangement is known as situs solitus.

People who suffer from situs inversus have a mirrored disposition of this asymmetry, which can be asymptomatic or lead to complications, such as chronic sinusitis and obstructive bronchopneumopathy, which can progress to a picture of diffuse bronchiectasis with progressive degradation of lung function.

Types of Situs Inversus

Situs inversus can be classified into several types:

  • Situs inversus totalis, in which all the organs located in the chest and abdomen are inverted; Partial situs inversus, in which only some organs are inverted; Abdominal situs inversus, when all the organs located in the abdominal region are inverted; Ambiguous situs, when the liver is located in the midline of the body, the spleen is absent or duplicated, or when there are signs of intestinal malrotation; Dextrocardia, when the heart is on the right side, instead of on the left side of the body.

Know the main complications of dextrocardia.

What symptoms

Although the organs are positioned in a different way than normal, they can function properly and do not cause symptoms, however, there are cases in which cardiac dysfunction or a lung condition can occur, which can lead to chronic bronchitis and sinusitis.

When situs inversus occurs associated with other conditions such as Kartagener syndrome or primary ciliary dyskinesia, other signs and symptoms may appear. See how to identify Kartagener syndrome.

What is the diagnosis

The diagnosis consists of the physical assessment and auscultation of the person, by the doctor, and the performance of diagnostic methods, such as x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and ultrasound.

How the treatment is done

In cases where situs inversus does not cause symptoms, treatment may not be necessary. In cases where other conditions are associated, treatment will depend on the signs and symptoms that appear.

Generally, surgery to reposition the organs is not recommended.

What is situs inversus