Home Bulls Blood in the stool during pregnancy: what it can be and what to do

Blood in the stool during pregnancy: what it can be and what to do


The presence of blood in the stool during pregnancy can be caused by situations such as hemorrhoids, which are very common at this stage, anal fissure due to dryness of the fecal bolus, but it can also indicate some more serious situation, such as a gastric ulcer or intestinal polyp, for example.

If the woman observes the presence of blood in her stool, she must go to the doctor to perform a stool test, in order to confirm its presence, discover the cause and start the appropriate treatment.

Main causes

Some common causes of blood in the stool at this stage are:

1. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy due to weight gain in the abdominal region and can be aggravated by constipation, which also usually develops during pregnancy. In the presence of hemorrhoids, the main indicative sign is the presence of bright red blood in the stool or toilet paper after cleaning, in addition to anal pain when standing or evacuating. In the case of external hemorrhoids, a small soft pellet can be felt around the anus.

What to do: It is recommended to observe if the symptoms persist for more than 3 days and, if positive, it is recommended to contact the doctor so that stool examination and evaluation of the anal region can be indicated to verify if there are external hemorrhoids. See how hemorrhoid treatment is done during pregnancy.

2. Anal fissure

The anal fissure is also common, because, due to the decrease in intestinal transit, the feces become more dry, which forces the woman to force herself at the time of evacuation, leading to the appearance of fissures that bleed whenever the feces pass through the site..

Thus, it is possible to identify the fissure when the presence of bright red blood is observed in the feces, on the toilet paper after cleaning, in addition to anal pain when standing or evacuating.

What to do: In this case, the best thing to do is to make the stools softer by increasing fiber consumption and increasing water intake, in addition to exercising, as this can also help improve intestinal transit. It is also recommended to avoid using force when evacuating and cleaning the anus with wet wipes or soap and water, avoiding toilet paper.

3. Intestinal polyp

Polyps are small pedicles that develop in the intestine. They are usually discovered before a woman becomes pregnant but when they are not removed, they can cause bleeding when dry stools pass where they are.

What to do: In these cases it is important to consult the gastroenterologist and the obstetrician to assess the need and risk of colonoscopy, which is a procedure used for the diagnosis and treatment for intestinal polyps, however it is contraindicated during pregnancy. Thus, the doctor must evaluate the woman and indicate the most appropriate therapeutic option. Understand how the treatment of intestinal polyps is done.

4. Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcers can worsen in pregnancy when the woman is very irritated or has frequent vomiting. In that case the blood in the stool may be almost imperceptible, because it is partially digested. So the characteristics include sticky, dark and very smelly stools.

What to do: It is recommended to go to the doctor to order tests to help diagnose the ulcer and / or to indicate the treatment, which usually involves the use of antacids, strategies to keep calm and a pasty and easily digestible diet.

Although it seems scary to find blood in the stool, this is a common sign in pregnancy due to the changes that happen in the woman's body and are usually due to constipation or the presence of hemorrhoids, which can arise during pregnancy.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to seek medical help if you notice the presence of:

  • Large amount of blood in the stool; If you have a fever, even if it is low; If you have bloody diarrhea; If you are or have been sick in the past few days; If there is anal bleeding even without a bowel movement.

The doctor may order tests to identify what is happening and then indicate the most appropriate treatment for each need.

Find out how to collect the stool correctly for the test:

If the woman prefers, she will be able to contact her obstetrician, indicating her signs and symptoms, because as she is already following the pregnancy she will have an easier time understanding what is happening.

Blood in the stool during pregnancy: what it can be and what to do