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All about sinusitis: symptoms, causes and remedies


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that generates symptoms such as headache, runny nose and a feeling of heaviness on the face, especially on the forehead and cheekbones, as it is in these places that the sinuses are located.

Generally, sinusitis is caused by the Influenza virus and, therefore, it is very common during flu attacks, but it can also arise due to the development of bacteria in the nasal secretions, which get stuck inside the sinuses, as happens after allergies.

Sinusitis is curable and its treatment should be guided by a general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist, usually including the use of nasal sprays, analgesics, oral corticosteroids or antibiotics, for example.

How to identify symptoms

The main symptoms of sinusitis are the appearance of thick, yellowish nasal discharge, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness or pressure on the face. However, other symptoms may also appear:

  • Headache, which can spread to the eyes and nose; Sore throat; Difficulty breathing through the nose; Loss of smell and taste; Bad breath; Cough that gets worse at night.

In addition, fever above 38ÂșC and dizziness can also appear, especially in cases of bacterial sinusitis, and in these cases it is also common for nasal secretions to change from yellow to a greenish color.

Sinus symptoms can be difficult to distinguish from allergy symptoms and, therefore, when the allergy lasts for more than 7 days, it must be evaluated by a general practitioner or otorhinolaryngologist, to initiate the appropriate treatment.

What are the main types of sinusitis

Sinusitis can be divided into several types, depending on the sinuses affected, the duration of symptoms and the type of cause. Thus, when sinusitis affects only the sinuses on one side of the face, it is known as unilateral sinusitis, while when it affects sinuses on both sides it is known as bilateral sinusitis.

When talking about the duration of symptoms, sinusitis is known as acute sinusitis when it lasts less than 4 weeks, being mainly caused by viruses, and chronic sinusitis when it lasts more than 12 weeks, being more common to be produced by bacteria. It can also be classified as acute recurrent when there are 4 or episodes in a year.

What causes sinusitis

When sinusitis is evaluated for its causes, it can be known as viral sinusitis, if it is caused by viruses; as bacterial sinusitis, if it is caused by bacteria, or as allergic sinusitis, if it is caused by an allergy.

The cases of allergic sinusitis are usually the most difficult to treat, because it is often difficult to identify what is causing the allergy. In such cases, it is common for the person to have chronic sinusitis, which happens when the symptoms last for more than 3 months. Better understand what chronic sinusitis is and what the treatment options are.

How to confirm the diagnosis

The diagnosis of sinusitis must be made by an otorhinolaryngologist and, usually, it is done only with the observation of the symptoms and palpation of the sinuses to assess if there is sensitivity in this region. However, the doctor may also order other more specific tests such as:

  • Nasal endoscopy: a small tube is inserted through the nose to observe the inside of the sinuses, being able to identify if there are other causes, such as nasal polyps, that may be causing sinusitis; Computed tomography: evaluates the presence of a deep inflammation that may not be identified with nasal endoscopy and also allows the anatomy of the sinuses to be observed; Collection of nasal secretions: the doctor collects a small sample of nasal secretions to send to the laboratory and assess the presence of microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses; Allergy test: allergy tests are used to identify an allergic cause, when the doctor cannot find viruses or bacteria in the secretion collection exam, for example. See how an allergy test is done.

Although it was widely used, the X-ray exam is no longer requested by doctors, since computed tomography is more accurate to confirm the diagnosis, in addition to the diagnosis being mainly clinical.

What are the remedies to treat sinusitis

Treatment for sinusitis is usually done using medications such as:

  • Nasal sprays: help to relieve the sensation of stuffy nose; Anti-flu remedies: help to relieve the feeling of pressure on the face and headache, for example; Oral antibiotics: are used only in cases of bacterial sinusitis to eliminate bacteria.

To complement the treatment, there are some home remedies for sinusitis such as nasal washing with water and salt or saline, or steam inhalations to help reduce symptoms, for example. Know some home remedies that help in the treatment of this problem by watching the video:

In the most severe cases, when there are complications such as abscesses, the doctor may recommend surgery to open the sinus channels and facilitate the drainage of secretions.

See a complete list of the most used remedies at: Sinusitis remedy.

Care that helps you recover faster

In addition to the indicated remedies, care should be taken to help sinus symptoms disappear more quickly, such as washing your nose with saline solution 2 to 3 times a day, avoiding staying indoors for a long time, staying away from smoke or dust and drink between 1.2 to 2 liters of water a day.

To learn more about the treatment of sinusitis see: Treatment for sinusitis.

All about sinusitis: symptoms, causes and remedies