Home Symptoms What to do to eliminate the boil

What to do to eliminate the boil


To cure the boil, it is important to put warm water compresses, for example, as they help to relieve pain and discomfort, to remove pus and, consequently, to cure the boil more quickly.

Generally, the boil heals alone, in a maximum of two weeks, when the pus comes out, however, 3 key tips to cure the boil more quickly include:

1. Use antiseptic soap

Bathing every day with soap and water or with an antiseptic soap, such as the antiseptic soap Granado or Soapex, for example, helps to treat the infection and prevent the multiplication of the bacteria that causes the boil.

2. Put on warm compresses

The warm water compresses help to relieve pain and remove the pus, and even after the boil starts to leak the pus alone, it is recommended to continue to put the compresses to clean the area well.

Other options are compresses with frankincense essential oil or fenugreek seeds, as they have anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties, helping to remove pus, treat infection and relieve swelling and discomfort.

To make the frankincense essential oil compresses, just add 3 to 5 drops of the oil in a warm water compress and to make the compresses with fenugreek seeds, mix 110 g of seeds with water or vinegar in the blender, bring the mixture to a boil and then dip a compress into the pulp while it is still hot and apply it to the boil.

3. Apply furuncle ointment

Furuncle ointment, such as Ictiol ointment or Furacin, for example, helps remove pus from furuncle more quickly and relieve pain and discomfort. These ointments should be applied about 3 times a week and are sold in pharmacies, under medical guidance. Find out which is the best ointment for furuncle.

If even with these measures, the boil does not heal on its own in two weeks at most, the individual has a lot of pain or the boil becomes more swollen, red and with more pus, it is recommended to consult the dermatologist, so that he can drain the pus and treat the infection.

Care during treatment

It is important not to squeeze or pop the boil, as the infection can get worse and spread to other areas of the skin. During treatment, you need to be careful, such as:

  • Wash your hands whenever you touch the boil; Change the compresses, placing them in the trash and then washing your hands with soap and water; Do not share clothes, tissues, sheets or towels and wash them with boiling water, separate from the rest clothes.

These precautions help to prevent the spread of the infection to other regions of the skin and prevent other people from catching the bacteria that causes the boil, which is transmitted through contact with pus. See also some recipes that can help treat the boil more quickly.

What to do to eliminate the boil