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How to identify and treat pulmonary emphysema


Pulmonary emphysema is a serious respiratory disease that usually develops in the lungs of those who have smoked cigarettes for many years. The disease leads to decreased lung elasticity and destruction of the pulmonary alveoli, causing symptoms such as rapid breathing, coughing or difficulty breathing.

Pulmonary emphysema has no cure, but its symptoms can be relieved, and even avoided, with the use of some medications and alteration of some lifestyle habits, which should be indicated by the pulmonologist.

Pulmonary emphysema symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of pulmonary emphysema include:

  • Difficulty breathing; Wheezing; Coughing; Feeling of shortness of breath, with the worsening of the disease.

The diagnosis of the disease is based on the symptoms presented and the patient's life history. An examination will be ordered to assess lung inflammation and lung auscultation will be performed to check the sounds produced by the lung at the time of breathing. In addition, a test should be carried out to assess lung capacities, called spirometry, which measures the volume of inspired air to check whether they are satisfactory or not, in addition to an x-ray and blood gas analysis.

See what other symptoms may indicate pulmonary emphysema.

How pulmonary emphysema arises

Emphysema is characterized by the destruction of a large number of alveoli, which are small structures within the lung, which are responsible for gas exchange and the entry of oxygen into the bloodstream. In addition, there is a compromise in the lung's ability to expand. Thus, oxygen is unable to properly enter the body and the symptom of shortness of breath appears, because the lungs fill with air, but do not empty completely, to allow the entry of new air.

What causes pulmonary emphysema

About 80% of emphysema cases occur in people who smoke, because cigarette smoke affects the pulmonary alveoli, reducing air intake. But emphysema can also be caused by a deficiency of the alpha-1 antitrypsin enzyme or by other diseases such as chronic bronchitis, asthma or cystic fibrosis, for example.

How the treatment is done

Pulmonary emphysema treatment should always be guided by a pulmonologist, since it is necessary to adapt it to the symptoms presented and the degree of development of the disease. However, in all cases it is important to avoid using cigarettes and not to stay in places with a lot of pollution or smoke.

In addition, medicines can also be prescribed to dilate the structures of the lung and help the air intake, such as Salbutamol or Salmeterol. But, in the case of more intense symptoms, it may also be necessary to use corticosteroids, such as Beclomethasone or Budesonide, to relieve inflammation of the airways and reduce the difficulty in breathing.

The doctor may also recommend respiratory physiotherapy sessions, which use exercises that help expand the lung and increase oxygen levels in the body. Understand everything about the appropriate treatment of pulmonary emphysema, with medicines, surgery, signs of improvement, worsening and possible complications.

Home treatment

A great home treatment to control emphysema is to breathe properly. To do this, you should sit on the bed or sofa with your legs stretched out and lying back, place your hands on your belly and, while inhaling, observe the movements in your abdomen and chest. When inhaling, count up to 2 seconds, while the air enters the lungs and to exhale, press the lips slightly, prolonging the exhalation. To help remember this strategy try to 'breathe in imagining the scent of a flower and breathe out gently by blowing out a candle'.

Does pulmonary emphysema turn into cancer?

Emphysema is not cancer, but it increases a person's chances of developing lung cancer, especially if they continue to smoke after diagnosis.

Life time in pulmonary emphysema

Although pulmonary emphysema is a serious respiratory disease, which impairs the person's quality of life, more than 80% of those affected live more than 5 years after the diagnosis of the disease. However, the time varies according to other conditions such as age, general health, lifestyle, and whether the treatment is carried out properly.

How to prevent pulmonary emphysema

The best way to prevent emphysema is not to smoke, but staying in places where there is cigarette smoke is also important. Other ways include treating any respiratory infection, such as the flu, cold, bronchitis and pneumonia as soon as possible. Other tips are:

  • Avoid air pollutants, air fresheners indoors, chlorine and other products with a strong smell; Avoid strong emotions such as anger, aggression, anxiety and stress; near fires or barbecues because of the smoke; avoid staying in places with fog, because the air quality is poor; get the flu vaccine every year.

In addition, you must have a healthy and balanced diet, preferring vegetables, fruits, whole grains and vegetables, decreasing more and more the consumption of processed, processed and salt-rich foods. Drinking ginger tea regularly is a good prevention strategy because it is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and is useful for keeping cells healthy.

How to identify and treat pulmonary emphysema