Home Bulls 3 Exercises to lose belly (includes menu option)

3 Exercises to lose belly (includes menu option)


The 3 exercises to do at home and lose belly strengthen the abdominal muscles, improving posture, contributing to a better body contour and relieving back pain, which may be related to weakness in the abdomen. These 3 exercises to do at home and lose belly can be performed 3 to 5 times a week.

These exercises are great for losing belly because they are long lasting and low intensity, however, to obtain the best results in burning abdominal fat and defining the silhouette it is advisable that before these exercises 15 to 20 minutes of cardio be done, which can be achieved with a run or walk, for example.

In addition to exercise, it is important that the person follows a healthy diet, avoiding the consumption of foods rich in sugar and fats and increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables, favoring weight loss and avoiding the accordion effect. Know what to eat to lose your belly.

Exercise 1: Squat

To perform the squat, the person must spread the legs, position the arms outstretched in front of the body and squat, as shown in the image above, for 30 seconds timed. Here's how to do squats correctly.

Exercise 2: Push-up

In this exercise, the person should lie on the floor and then, supporting the knees on the floor, flex the arms, as shown in the image above, for 30 seconds timed.

Exercise 3: Cross climber

To begin, you must support both hands on the floor and remain on the tip of the feet, keeping your body still, stretched in this position. Then, one leg should be stretched and thrown to the side, as shown in the image above, alternating the two legs throughout the exercise.

Another exercise that can be done to tone the abdomen and lose the belly is the hypopressive abdominals. See in the video below how they should be performed:

Recommendations for exercises

Each exercise should be done continuously, for 30 to 60 timed seconds. Soon after, the next exercise should start, totaling 3 minutes followed by exercises. When you reach the end of these exercises, rest for 1 more minute and repeat the series from the beginning two more times, taking care with your breathing always in a natural way, that is, without blocking the entry and exit of air during the exercise. The total exercise time should be only 12 minutes.

However, if you feel any discomfort, such as pain in your spine, neck or knee, do not exercise to avoid damaging your health and consult your doctor first. A gym teacher will be able to indicate a complete series of exercises that can be done at home or at the gym when the goal is to burn fat, define or increase muscles.

In addition, another excellent option for toning the body and losing weight are fights and martial arts, which define muscles and improve endurance and physical strength. Check out other exercises to define the belly.

Menu to lose belly

The following table shows an example of a 1200 calorie menu that can be used in conjunction with physical activity to promote weight loss:

Main meals Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 glass of almond milk + 1 slice of whole grain bread with two tablespoons of ricotta cheese + 1 lettuce leaf and 1 slice of tomato + 1 slice of melon 1 cup of coffee with skimmed and unsweetened milk + banana, oat and cinnamon pancake: hurt 1/2 banana and mix with egg, 1 tablespoon of oats and a whistle of cinnamon. To accompany the pancake, you can add 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and fruit (1/2 sliced ​​kiwi, 1/2 cup sliced ​​blueberries, raspberries or strawberries) 1 glass of skimmed milk with 1/2 spoon of cocoa powder + 2 scrambled eggs with tomato and onion + 1 slice of toasted brown bread
Morning snack

1 cup unsweetened lemon tea + 12 almonds

1 glass of green juice prepared with: 1 cabbage leaf, 1/2 lemon juice, 1/3 cucumber, 1 peeled red apple and 150 mL coconut water 1 glass of lemon and cinnamon tea + 1 pear
Lunch dinner 90 grams of turkey breast with natural tomato sauce accompanied by 2 tablespoons of brown rice + 2 tablespoons of beans + 1 serving of lettuce, cucumber and carrot salad seasoned with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and lemon + 1 orange

120 grams of salmon accompanied by 1 portion of sautéed vegetables (green beans, carrots, broccoli, onions and cauliflower), seasoned with lemon and 1 spoon of olive oil + 1 slice of pineapple

90 grams of grilled chicken accompanied by 60 grams of sweet potato + 1 hold of lettuce, tomato, onion and cucumber salad, seasoned with 1 spoon of olive oil + 1 apple

Afternoon snack 1 glass of banana smoothie (1/2 unit) and apple (1/2 unit) with 1 tablespoon of rolled oats 1 slice of toasted brown bread with 2 tablespoons of guacamole and 1 scrambled egg + 1 cup of unsweetened coffee 180 grams of low fat yogurt with 1/4 cup muesli cereal + 1/2 apple cut into thin slices

The amounts shown on the menu may vary according to age, sex, physical activity and the presence or absence of any associated disease. Therefore, the ideal is to seek guidance from a nutritionist so that a complete assessment can be made and a nutritional plan tailored to needs is drawn up.

3 Exercises to lose belly (includes menu option)