Home Bulls How to moisturize curly hair in 3 steps

How to moisturize curly hair in 3 steps


To hydrate curly hair at home, it is important to follow some steps such as properly washing your hair with warm to cold water, applying the hydration mask, removing all the product and letting the hair dry naturally, preferably.

Curly hair should be washed only 2 to 3 times a week, and at least once a week it should be hydrated, since curly hair tends to be drier. See how to make homemade and natural recipes.

In this way, 3 steps to hydrate curly hair at home include:

1. Wash the wires correctly

The hair must be properly and gently washed before hydration, to remove all oil and impurities from the strands, allowing the mask to act. To wash curly hair properly it is important to:

  • Use warm to cold water, because at that temperature the cuticles do not open, leaving the surface of the hair more shiny; Avoid using very hot water, which opens the cuticle and dries out the hair; Use a shampoo suitable for curly hair, preferably without salt; Put more shampoo on the root of the hair than on the lengths and ends, as the oil is concentrated on the scalp.

In addition, you can also use an anti-residue shampoo before hydration, to deeply clean the hair and remove all impurities. However, it should not be used in all hydrations, but only every 15 days.

2. Moisturize your hair regularly

To hydrate curly hair you must:

  1. Choose or prepare a moisturizing mask adapted for curly hair. See the recipe for a homemade hydration mask for curly hair; Squeeze the strands well to remove excess water, avoiding aggressive twisting of the hair; Add about 20 mL of Argan oil to the hydration mask; Apply the hydration mask with Argan oil in the hair strands, except at the root, strand by strand; Leave the mask on for 15 to 20 minutes; Rinse hair thoroughly with cold to warm water, removing all the product to seal the hair cuticles, avoid the frizz and make your hair brighter.

You can also put a laminated cap, shower cap or warm towel on your hair while the mask is working, to increase the effect of the mask.

The conditioner should not be placed on the days when a hydration mask is applied, because the conditioner closes the hair cuticles, decreasing the mask's effectiveness.

3. Gently dry and comb your hair

After applying the moisturizing mask, you should:

  1. Dry your hair with a microfiber towel or an old cotton T-shirt so as not to dry your hair and remove the frizz ; Apply a leave-in adapted to curly hair so that your hair is softer and frizz- free; Comb your hair with a comb wide teeth while damp; let the hair dry naturally, but if necessary use a dryer with diffuser.

To keep your hair curly and frizz- free the next day, use a satin or silk pillowcase on the pillow and apply the leave-in to the threads in the morning, fixing your hair, but without combing it.

See also some tips and products for curly hair.

How to moisturize curly hair in 3 steps