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Techniques for slower eating and better digestion


Eating fast and not chewing enough, in general, causes more calories to be eaten and therefore makes you fat and produces other problems such as poor digestion, heartburn, gas or swollen belly, for example.

Eating too fast means that the stomach does not have time to send signals to the brain that it is full and that it is time to stop, which usually takes 15 to 20 minutes, resulting in a greater intake of food.

Thus, some consequences of eating fast can be:

1. Weight gain

The brain and stomach work together to control appetite, but this process is not instantaneous. When eating quickly, satiety signals are not allowed to be transmitted to the brain, which takes 15 to 20 minutes to arrive, indicating that no more food is needed because it is already full. This causes a greater amount of food to be consumed, consuming more calories than the body needs, storing them in the form of fat and making the person fat.

2. Poor digestion

When you eat fast there is an increased risk of indigestion, because food is not chewed properly, taking longer to be digested by the stomach, causing symptoms such as a burning sensation, heartburn, reflux and a heavy stomach feeling, for example.

3. Swollen belly

The fact of eating too fast can cause abdominal distention, due to two factors, first that the digestion process is slower, by swallowing larger pieces of food, causing the intestinal transit to slow down, and second, it is more easy to swallow air causing the belly to become swollen, causing belching and gas.

4. Increased risk of heart disease

Since eating fast can lead to weight gain, there is an increased risk of developing heart disease, especially if fat accumulates in the abdominal area. This is because the excess of fats in the blood facilitates the formation of fatty plaques that can hinder the passage of blood and even detach and obstruct the vessels, generating a stroke or infarction, for example.

Generally, other diseases that are related include, high blood pressure, increased triglycerides in the blood, increased bad cholesterol and decreased good cholesterol.

5. Increased risk of diabetes

Eating quickly causes a hormone called insulin, which is responsible for regulating the entry of blood sugar into cells, to raise blood levels by varying the amount of sugar in the blood, which in conjunction with weight gain and abdominal fat can develop. over time a diabetes.

What to do to eat more slowly

Some tips for eating slower, improving digestion and decreasing the risk of obesity include:

  • Dedicate to the meal at least 20 minutes, in a quiet and quiet place; Being focused on the meal, avoiding distractions, such as eating in front of the television or at the work table, for example; Cut food into smaller pieces so that they are easier to chew; Stop between each mouthful, to reflect whether it is full or not; Chew food 20 to 30 times; and for those foods that are softer in consistency, about 5 to 10 times.

In addition, there are other techniques, such as tangerine meditation, in which it is recommended to eat the fruit slowly, reflecting on the process of nature to produce it and the work required to reach the table, smelling its aroma and savoring it. the sweet and citrus flavor.

Techniques for slower eating and better digestion