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How the budwig diet for cancer works


The Budwig diet is a diet plan developed in the 1960s by biochemist Dr.ª Johanna Budwig, a specialist in fats and lipids and one of the first researchers to talk about the importance of omega 3 and the health benefits of coconut oil.

This diet is based on the use of healthy foods and fats to optimize cellular metabolism and strengthen the body against cancer. Thus, the guidelines of this diet can be followed not only by those who already have cancer, but also to improve the functioning of the body and prevent the appearance of cancer.

How the diet works

In addition to including many healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruits, and eliminating industrialized products, the Budwig diet is also based on the use of healthy fats, such as omega 3, present in foods such as flaxseed, chia seeds or fish fatty foods such as tuna and salmon. See other foods rich in omega 3.

However, the ideal is that these fats are consumed in a pre-emulsified form, to facilitate their absorption by the body. For this reason, Dr. Budwig created a cream, which mixes various foods and which allows the emulsification of fats, ensuring their best absorption.

Since good fats have a potent anti-inflammatory action, when they are better absorbed, they slow down the entire inflammatory process that is important for the birth and growth of a tumor.

How to do the Budwig diet

The main basis of this diet is the cream of Budwig, made from cottage cheese and flaxseed oil, which must be consumed several times throughout the day. However, other guidelines include eating:

  • Assorted fruits; Vegetables; Foods rich in fiber.

And avoid other foods like:

  • Meat, especially processed; Sugar; Butter or margarine.

In addition to food, the Budwig diet also encourages the intake of purified water and promotes sun exposure for the production of sufficient vitamin D. Here's how to increase the amount of vitamin D by properly exposing yourself to the sun.

Ideally, the diet should be started with the accompaniment of a nutritionist and should never replace the medical treatment indicated for the treatment of cancer.

How to prepare Budwig cream

To prepare the Budwig cream, mix 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil with 4 tablespoons of cottage cheese or quark , until the oil is no longer visible. Then, if you prefer, and to vary the flavor it is possible to add nuts, almonds, banana, coconut, cocoa, pineapple, blueberries, cinnamon, vanilla or fresh fruit juice. Ideally, added foods should be organic and flaxseed oil should be kept in the refrigerator.

Budwig's cream should always be prepared before eating, and should be ingested within 15 minutes after its preparation, to guarantee all its properties.

This cream can be ingested up to 3 or 4 times a day, and is an excellent option to eat for breakfast after the fasting period.

Possible side effects

The Budwig diet has several positive effects for the body, however, as it is a more restrictive diet than the type of food that most people do, it can cause some symptoms in the early days such as diarrhea, excessive gas and malaise. general, but this is usually caused by the detoxification of the body.

Anyone taking any type of medication should also talk to the doctor before starting the diet, since excessive consumption of flaxseed can make the effect of some medications difficult. In addition, flaxseed may also be contraindicated in some cases of people with Crohn's disease or diabetes, for example.

How the budwig diet for cancer works