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Foods high in saturated fat


Saturated fat can be found, especially, in foods of animal origin, such as fatty meats, butter and dairy products, but it is also present in oil and derivatives of coconut and palm oil, as well as in several industrialized products.

In general, this type of fat is hard at room temperature. It is important to avoid excessive consumption of saturated fat because it helps to increase cholesterol and promotes weight gain.

Animal foods high in saturated fat

Industrialized foods high in saturated fat

List of foods high in saturated fat

The following table contains a list of foods with the amount of saturated fat present in 100g of the food.

Foods Saturated Fat per 100 g of food Calories (kcal)
Lard 26.3 g 900
Grilled bacon 10.8 g 445
Beef steak with fat 3.5 g 312
Fat-free beef steak 2.7 g 239
Roasted skin chicken 1.3 g 215
milk 0.9 g 63
Packet Snack 12.4 g 512
Stuffed cookie 6 g 480
Frozen Bolognese Lasagna 3.38 g 140
Sausage 8.4 g 192
butter 48 g 770

It is recommended that the intake of saturated fat does not exceed 10% of the total caloric value, therefore, in a 2, 000 calorie diet, you cannot eat more than 22.2 g of saturated fat per day. The ideal is to eat as little of this type of fat as possible, so check the amount of saturated fat on the food label.

Understand why saturated fat is bad

Saturated fat is bad because it easily accumulates on the internal walls of blood vessels, which can accelerate the formation of fatty plaques and the clogging of veins, with the possibility of causing atherosclerosis, increased cholesterol, obesity and heart problems. In addition, saturated fat is usually present in very caloric foods, as is the case with red meats, bacon, sausage and stuffed crackers, for example, which also contributes to fattening and to increasing cholesterol.

What is the difference between saturated fat and unsaturated fat

The main difference between saturated fat and unsaturated fat is their chemical structure, which makes saturated fats, when consumed in excess, harmful to our health. Unsaturated fats are healthier and help to improve cholesterol levels, being divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Fat is an ingredient that gives food more flavor, and its main function in the body is to provide energy. There are different types of fats:

  • Saturated fats: should be avoided and are present in meat, bacon and sausage, for example; Trans fats: should be avoided and are present in stuffed cookies and margarines, for example; Unsaturated fats: should be consumed more often because they are beneficial for the heart, and are found in foods such as olive oil and nuts.

To lower bad cholesterol, it is also necessary to decrease the consumption of trans fats. Here's how to control cholesterol:

Foods high in saturated fat