Home Bulls Tips to Decrease Baby's Golfing

Tips to Decrease Baby's Golfing


Baby's gouging is characterized by the exiting of a small amount of milk through the mouth after breastfeeding or taking the bottle, without having to make any effort. This condition is very common in newborn babies and lasts for about 6 or 7 months, but it can be uncomfortable for the baby and the parents, because the baby may cry next.

Some very important tips to decrease baby's gulf include:

  • Prevent the baby from swallowing too much air during feeding; Always put the baby to burp, during and after feedings; Dress the baby in clothes and diapers that are not tight; Avoid moving the baby abruptly after feeding; Just lay the baby down 30 minutes after breastfeeding; Babies who do not breastfeed can take specific powdered milk against reflux, such as Aptamil AR, Nan AR or Enfamil AR Premium. Find out more details here.

To reduce the amount of air swallowed by the baby, the mother must adopt a correct breastfeeding technique, or, in the case of the baby suckling from the bottle, keep the nipple always full of milk.

In addition, if it is necessary to lay the baby down after burping, a cushion should be placed under the mattress, and not under the baby's head, to raise the baby's head and place it on its side. Another possibility is to place a 5 to 10 cm high chock at the head of the crib, forming an angle of 30 degrees, to keep the head always higher than the feet.

In cases where gulf episodes are very frequent and following these measures is not enough, the pediatrician may recommend taking medications such as domperidone or cisapride, for example.

How to put the baby to burp

To burp the baby, one of the following techniques can be used:

  • Place the baby upright against the mother's shoulder and give a gentle pat on the back, as shown in image 1; Place the baby sitting on the lap and with one hand hold the baby's head and with the other give a gentle pat on the back, as shown image 2.

These techniques should be done during feeding and after feeding to eliminate excess air and prevent the appearance of a gulf.

Why babies golf

Gastroesophageal reflux, popularly known as baby golfing, is a normal condition that affects all newborn babies. Golfing is normal until 6 to 7 months of age, at which time the introduction of other more pasty foods begins, such as breast milk and baby bottles, and also with the child's most upright position.

When the baby remains from that stage, the baby must be evaluated by the pediatrician because there may be situations such as congenital esophageal stenosis, tracheo-oesophageal fistula, esophageal atresia, swallowing disorders, hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, gastric or duodenal ulcer, annular pancreas, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, food allergy (cow's milk protein), urinary tract infection, intestinal parasites, genetic-metabolic diseases, asthma, cystic fibrosis or changes in the central nervous system, for example.

However, when the bite disturbs the baby or when it is green, it may be necessary to consult the pediatrician, know when in Know When Golfing is Normal.

How to differentiate gulf from vomiting

To differentiate the gulf from an episode of vomiting, other signs must be observed, such as: effort that the baby makes with the body, because in the case of vomiting, some effort is necessary, while in the gulf there is no effort, because the liquid comes out of the mouth naturally. In the case of vomiting the baby may also show signs that he is not feeling well, whimpering or crying, while in the gulf, he may be apparently normal.

However, when the baby has frequent gulf episodes, the fluid may be acidic and irritate the esophagus and larynx, and therefore, during a gulf episode the baby may experience excessive crying, irritability, sleep disturbances, agitation and refusing suck or take the bottle.

Tips to Decrease Baby's Golfing