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Discover 6 incredible health benefits of goji berry


Goji berry, also called goji berries, is the fruit of plants native to Asia called Lycium chinense and Lycium barbarum , and is currently considered a superfood, as it has several bioactive compounds that are distinguished by their high antioxidant power.

In addition, it is an excellent source of fiber, monounsaturated fats, vitamins B1, B2 and B3, as well as minerals such as copper, magnesium, manganese and selenium. This fruit can be consumed fresh, dehydrated or in capsule form, and can be purchased in supermarkets, health food stores and online stores.

Goji berry benefits

The properties of Goji berry are fundamental for several situations and the benefits of introducing this fruit in the daily diet are many, since it is a fruit rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, serving to:

The benefits of introducing this fruit in the daily diet are many, since it is a fruit rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, the main ones being:

1. Protect vision and skin

Goji berries are rich in carotenoids, mainly zeaxanthin and beta-carotenes, the latter being a precursor to vitamin A, which help maintain eye health and prevent the onset of retinopathies, macular degeneration and cataracts. In addition, it also contains polysaccharides and proteoglycans that exert an eye neuroprotective effect.

This fruit can also have a protective effect against UV rays, helping to take care of the skin when the person is exposed to the sun for a long time.

2. Strengthen the immune system

Due to the fact that they are rich in vitamin C and selenium, the consumption of goji berries can help to increase defenses and reduce inflammation in the body, stimulating the cells of the immune system.

3. Lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease

Due to its antioxidant effect and the amount of selenium, the consumption of goji berries can help to lower bad cholesterol, LDL, and increase good cholesterol, HDL, thus preventing the onset of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, for example. In addition, its fiber content also helps to decrease cholesterol absorption in the intestine.

4. Favor weight loss

Goji berry is low in calories and helps improve digestion, increasing the feeling of fullness due to the fibers it contains. In addition, some studies suggest that it can also help control blood sugar, benefiting weight loss.

Goji berries can be eaten as a snack or can be incorporated into yogurts and juices.

5. Prevent cancer

Some studies have shown that the bioactive components of goji berry inhibit tumor growth and prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. In addition, they also prevent the damage of cells caused by free radicals, thus preventing premature aging and the appearance of other chronic diseases.

6. Improves mood and reduces stress

Because it contains vitamin B6, consumption of goji berries can help increase the production of serotonin, which is the health hormone, helping to reduce symptoms and improve mood.

Nutritional composition of Goji Berry

The following table shows the nutritional composition of 100 g of dehydrated fruit:

Component Quantity per 100 grams
Energy 349 calories
Proteins 14 g
Carbohydrates 77 g
Fat 0.4 g
Fibers 13 g
Vitamin A 28, 833 UI
Vitamin C 48 mg
Calcium 190 mg
Selenium 17.8 mcg
Iron 6.8 mg

How to consume

To obtain the benefits, you should consume 2 tablespoons of dried goji berries per day, 120 ml of juice or 2 to 3 capsules daily, however the amount of capsules may vary depending on the concentration of the supplement, it is important to read the label before consuming.

Are goji berries dangerous?

The recommendation is that Goji berry should be consumed in moderation, because it has been found that this fruit can cause an allergy or anaphylactic reaction in people sensitive to its components. Therefore, if the person shows any signs or symptoms of allergy, they should stop consuming this food. In addition, goji berries can interact with some medications, such as anticoagulants and hypoglycemic agents.

When not to eat Goji berry

Goji berry should not be consumed by people who are being treated with medications for diabetes, hypertension or who use anticoagulants, such as warfarin and aspirin.

In addition, it was found that this fruit can also interact with antibiotics, antifungals, antidepressants, antivirals, cancer drugs, osteoporosis, lipid-lowering drugs and hormonal control drugs.

Therefore, if the person suffers from any of these diseases or makes use of some of the medications, he should consult the doctor before consuming the fruit, either in the form of a supplement or fresh.

Discover 6 incredible health benefits of goji berry