Home Home-Remedies 5 Tips to Relieve Headache Without Medications

5 Tips to Relieve Headache Without Medications


Headache is very common, but it can be relieved without medication, through simple measures like putting cold compresses on the forehead, especially if the cause of the headache is stress, poor diet, tiredness or anxiety, for example.

Most of the time the headache passes with just these simple measures, however when it is constant, it does not improve over time or when it is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, malaise and excessive tiredness, it is important to go to the doctor so that tests are carried out to identify the cause of the pain and appropriate treatment can be started.

Some tips to help relieve headache without the need for medication are:

1. Take a warm bath

Hot water helps to dilate blood vessels and relax the body, providing momentary relief from headache. Washing your hair and letting the shower water fall directly on your head helps to relieve pain within minutes, bringing a feeling of comfort and well-being. Try to lie or recline in a quiet place, with little noise and in half light, where you can have a few minutes of rest.

2. Have coffee

A cup of strong sugar-free coffee also helps to naturally fight headache, being useful even in case of a hangover. However it is important to know the person's tolerance for caffeine, as in some cases drinking coffee can increase the headache or have no effect.

3. Head massage

Head massage is great for relieving headache, as it mobilizes the bloodstream, decreasing pain and helping to relax. The massage should be performed with the fingertips, massaging the forehead, neck and side of the head. Check out the massage step by step to relieve headache:

4. Cold compress on the forehead

The cold compress also helps to relieve headache, because it promotes the contraction of blood vessels in the head and decreases the volume of blood, reducing pain. It is recommended that the compress be placed on the forehead, temples and neck.

5. Have tea

If the headache does not go away with the previous steps, you can drink 1 cup of ginger tea, as it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help to relieve the headache. Simply place 2 cm of ginger root in a cup of water, boil for 5 minutes, strain, cool and drink. Check out other home remedy options for headaches.

When to go to the doctor

It is recommended to go to the doctor in case the headache does not improve or is more severe after following the mentioned tips, if it lasts more than 3 days or if the person has other symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, general malaise, nausea or vomiting, for example.

In these cases, the doctor may order tests to try to identify the cause of the headache and guide the appropriate treatment, which can be done with analgesic, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic drugs, if necessary.

Some foods can also make headaches worse, and should be avoided, as in the case of ready-to-eat foods, due to excess additives, and pepper. On the other hand, others help to relieve, as in the case of fish, seeds and nuts, for example. To find out which foods improve or make your headache worse, watch the following video:

5 Tips to Relieve Headache Without Medications