Home Symptoms Harm of soft drinks for children

Harm of soft drinks for children


Due to excess sugar, soft drinks can cause problems such as obesity and diabetes, in addition to preventing the child from learning to consume fruits and natural juices, which have important nutrients for their proper growth.

These drinks are rich in sugar, dyes, caffeine and sodium, substances that increase blood pressure and cause irritation problems and lack of sleep. Also know what not to give the baby to eat until the age of 3.

1. Coolant harms teeth

Soft drinks harm teeth because they have a very acidic pH, which damages tooth enamel. In addition, the excess sugar in these drinks also increases the chances of cavities.

2. Increases the risk of developing diabetes and obesity

Soft drinks are drinks rich in fructose, sugar that is linked to increased insulin resistance, a problem that causes diabetes. In addition, the excess sugar in these drinks also favors weight gain and the chance of developing obesity.

Harm of soda

3. Increases flatulence and abdominal discomfort

The gases present in soft drinks increase flatulence and abdominal discomfort by distending the intestine, causing pain and discomfort.

In addition, the gases also worsen gastritis and can cause gastroesophageal reflux, as they inflate the stomach and favor the food to return to the esophagus, causing burning.

4. Causes insomnia and changes in pressure

Cola-type soft drinks can cause insomnia and increased pressure when consumed in excess because they contain caffeine, as children are more sensitive to this substance.

5. Increased tiredness and irritability

Soft drinks have dyes and sweeteners that irritate the intestines and decrease the absorption of vitamins and minerals important for the body's metabolism.

How to replace soft drinks

The best choices to replace sodas are to offer children water, coconut water, natural fruit juices and iced teas. A good strategy is not to have soft drinks at home, or to order these drinks when eating out.

To improve the acceptance of fruit juice, colorful cups and straws and pieces of frozen fruit can be used instead of ice, as the child is attracted by colors. In addition, you can mix fruits and create new flavors, it is also important to avoid the use of sugar so that they get used to the natural sweet flavor of the fruits.

If your child is overweight, here are 7 tips to help your child lose weight.

Harm of soft drinks for children