Home Bulls Varicose vein surgery: how it is done and postoperative

Varicose vein surgery: how it is done and postoperative


Varicose vein surgery is used when other forms of non-invasive treatment, such as diet or the use of compression stockings, for example, have failed to eliminate or disguise varicose veins, which continue to cause discomfort and aesthetic changes in the legs.

There are several types of surgery to remove varicose veins from the legs, however, none is definitive, and varicose veins may reappear, especially if there is no care to control weight and improve blood circulation, such as eating a balanced diet and exercising. regularly.

Learn more about the treatment options available for varicose veins.

1. Foam injection

In this technique, also known as foam sclerotherapy, the doctor injects a special foam directly into the dilated veins that are causing the varicose veins. This foam leads to the development of scars on the walls of the vein, causing it to close and preventing blood from continuing to circulate through that vessel.

A very fine needle is used for the injection and, therefore, this type of treatment does not usually leave any type of scar on the skin. The value of the foam injection in the varicose veins is approximately 200 reais per session and, therefore, the total price may vary according to the place to be treated and the number of sessions required. Learn more about how this type of surgery is done.

2. Laser surgery

Laser surgery is indicated to treat small spider veins or varicose veins, and is done with the light of a laser applied directly on the varicose vessel. This light causes heat inside the vase, slowly eliminating it until it disappears completely. This type of surgery costs approximately R $ 300 per session, and it may take several sessions to remove all varicose veins from the legs.

3. Radio frequency

Radiofrequency works very similar to laser surgery, as it uses heat inside the vessel to close the varicose vein. To do this, the doctor inserts a small catheter into the vein to be treated and then, using radiofrequency, heats the tip, making it hot enough to take the vessel to close.

Usually the value is 250 reais per session of radio frequency and it may take up to 10 sessions to completely eliminate it, depending on the number of varicose veins.

4. Microsurgery of varicose veins

Microsurgery of varicose veins, also known as ambulatory phlebectomy, is performed in the vascular surgeon's office with local anesthesia. In this surgery, the doctor makes small cuts on the varicose veins and removes the vessels that are causing the most superficial varicose veins.

Although you can return home on the same day of surgery, it is recommended to rest for up to 7 days to allow the cuts to heal properly. This surgery allows to remove varicose veins of small or medium size, and has a price of about 1000 reais, which can vary according to the doctor and clinic selected.

5. Removal of the saphenous vein

This operation is also known as traditional surgery and is used in the case of deeper or larger varicose veins. In these cases, the doctor cuts the leg and removes the entire saphenous vein, which is not working properly. Thus, the blood continues to circulate through other veins without leading to increased pressure because it cannot pass through the saphenous vein.

The decrease in pressure inside the vessels of the legs reduces the volume of the varicose veins and prevents the formation of new ones, solving problems with very large varicose veins, but also spider veins. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, the value can vary between 1000 and 2500 reais.

See how this surgery is done and what specific care is taken.

How is the postoperative of the surgery

The postoperative period of varicose vein surgery depends on the type of surgery and, therefore, should always be indicated by the doctor in each case. However, there are some precautions that are common to several types of surgery, such as:

  • Avoid making efforts, such as going up or down stairs, in 2 to 7 days; Maintain some physical activity, taking short walks at home; Lie with your feet higher than your hips to allow drainage;

In addition, when surgery involves a cut on the skin, it is important to go to the hospital regularly to have the dressing done with a nurse.

After the first week of recovery, it is possible to start small walks outside the home, and routine activities can be resumed at around 2 weeks. However, you should avoid lifting weights and exposing your legs to the sun for the first 2 months.

Other activities, such as the gym or running, should be started gradually and after the 1st month of recovery, under the guidance and supervision of the vascular surgeon.

Possible complications of varicose vein surgery

Complications that varicose vein surgery can bring include:

  • Infection of the veins; Hemorrhage; Hematoma in the legs; Pain in the legs; Injury to the nerves of the leg.

These complications of varicose vein surgery have been disappearing due to the development of techniques and can usually be avoided if patients comply with recovery recommendations.

Varicose vein surgery: how it is done and postoperative