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How to lower ldl cholesterol


Triglycerides and bad cholesterol, also known as LDL, are the main sources of fat that circulate in the blood. Therefore, when the cholesterol concentration in the blood is very high, with an LDL value of 130 mg / dL or more, it can cause blood vessels to clog, increasing the risk of heart disease such as high blood pressure, infarction and even, Stroke.

In most people, high cholesterol levels are due to a diet rich in saturated and hydrogenated fats and a sedentary lifestyle, so simple changes in day-to-day habits are essential to lower cholesterol.

1. Exercise regularly

Aerobic exercises such as swimming, running, walking, water aerobics or cycling are the best options for lowering bad blood cholesterol and, therefore, you should do it at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week, or to have better results, exercise every day. See which aerobic exercises to do at home.

One should try to exercise as much outdoors as possible, in order to receive some sunlight that, in reasonable amounts helps the body to eliminate cholesterol, lowering its levels.

2. Increase fiber intake

A diet with foods rich in soluble fiber, such as oat flour and bran, barley and legumes, helps to absorb excess cholesterol in the intestine and eliminate it from the body. You should also eat at least about five servings of fresh vegetables and fruits a day, such as apples, peaches, bananas, green beans or spinach, which are also very high in fiber. See more fiber-rich foods.

3. Drink black tea daily

Black tea has in its composition theine, which is similar to caffeine and, therefore, helps to fight the body's fatty plaques, so just drink 3 cups a day. However, pregnant women and people with medical restrictions on caffeine should not use this tea. Learn all the benefits of black tea.

4. Prefer healthy fats

Saturated fats, present in butter, bacon or bologna and hydrogenated fats, present in margarine, lard and many processed foods, raise LDL cholesterol levels. However, healthy fats, such as monounsaturated fats in extra virgin olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Thus, one should always opt for extra virgin olive oil for cooking or for seasoning salads for example and one should eat at least one daily dose of a food rich in omega-3, such as fish, nuts and seeds of flaxseed. See more omega-3 rich foods.

5. Eat more garlic

Garlic, in addition to reducing levels of LDL cholesterol, also increases levels of HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol. One clove of garlic a day is usually enough to help regulate cholesterol levels. See more about the benefits of garlic.

6. Drink eggplant juice

Eggplant juice is an excellent home remedy for high cholesterol, which contains a high content of antioxidant substances, especially in the skin. Therefore, it should not be removed when preparing the juice. Here's how to make this juice.

You can also eat eggplant in other ways, whether boiled or roasted, for a greater protective effect on the liver or also use eggplant in capsules.

See also the video with all the tips from our nutritionist, to help fight high cholesterol:

How to lower ldl cholesterol