Home Symptoms What happens if you hold the poop

What happens if you hold the poop


The act of holding the poop causes it to be moved to the segment above the rectum, called the sigmoid colon, in which the absorption of water contained in the feces can occur, leaving them hard and dry. Thus, when the person feels the need to evacuate again, the stools are harder, which can result in greater effort and the appearance of cracks or hemorrhoids, for example.

The main consequences of holding poop are:

1. Constipation

The most common consequence of holding stools is constipation because the stools remain in the intestine longer, where water is absorbed, and therefore they become more dry and difficult to get out.

What to do: The best time to poop is right when you feel like it, so you don't have to force yourself to evacuate, which helps keep the bowel functioning properly, and consequently avoids complications from constipation.

2. Anal fissures

Anal fissures usually appear when the stools are very hard and dry, which causes lesions in the anus at the time of evacuation, which can result in bright red blood in the stools, pain and discomfort when defecating. See how to identify and treat anal fissures.

What to do: The treatment for anal fissures is done with the aim of preventing infections, and it is necessary to perform adequate intimate hygiene, preferably with toilet paper moistened with water. In addition, it is important to improve eating habits, always stay hydrated and avoid holding the poo so that new cracks do not occur.

3. Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids arise due to the dryness of stools and the effort made to evacuate, which is common in people who suffer from constipation and who cannot poop in places other than their home, holding the stools.

Hemorrhoids correspond to enlarged and protruding veins that appear in the anal area and that can cause itching and anal pain, in addition to the presence of blood in the stool. Find out what hemorrhoids are and main symptoms.

What to do: The treatment for hemorrhoids can be done with the use of ointments that reduce the dilation of the veins and relieve pain, such as Hemovirtus, Proctosan and Proctyl, for example. However, when the hemorrhoid is not resolved over time or with the use of ointments, surgery may be recommended by the doctor.

4. Abdominal hernias

Abdominal hernias can appear when a lot of effort is made to evacuate, and can occur more easily in people who are constipated or who usually hold the poo.

Abdominal hernia is characterized by the exit of a part of the intestine, which can cause some symptoms, such as pain, swelling and redness at the site of the hernia.

What to do: In the case of abdominal hernia, it is best to go to the doctor to have the hernia removed by means of a surgical procedure. In addition, it is important to improve eating and living habits to prevent abdominal hernia from reoccurring. Understand how abdominal hernia surgery is done.

5. Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is the acute inflammation of diverticula, which are small structures that appear on the walls of the intestine, mainly due to constipation. When these structures ignite, it can result in pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting and fever, for example. Learn more about diverticulitis.

What to do: It is recommended to go to the gastroenterologist as soon as the first symptoms appear, so that diagnostic tests can be carried out and treatment can be started, avoiding complications such as perforation of the intestine and infections, for example.

6. Fecal incontinence

When a lot of force is constantly used to poop, the muscles of the rectum and anus begin to lose strength and atrophy, which means that the person cannot control the elimination of fecal material, involuntarily releasing solid and liquid gases and feces.. Thus, fecal incontinence can cause embarrassment and anxiety, interfering with the person's quality of life. Understand what fecal incontinence is and how to identify it.

What to do: The most recommended in the case of fecal incontinence is to consult the coloproctologist to assess the problem and start the best treatment, with physiotherapy and exercises to strengthen the pelvis muscles being usually indicated, relieving the symptoms of incontinence. In addition, it is recommended that the person follow a diet rich in fiber and low in foods that increase bowel movements, such as coffee, for example. Find out how the fecal incontinence diet is made.

Learn how to poop correctly and avoid the consequences:

What happens if you hold the poop