Home Home-Remedies 7 Tips to Reduce Flu Symptoms

7 Tips to Reduce Flu Symptoms


The flu is a disease caused by viruses that generates symptoms such as sore throat, cough, fever, runny nose, which can interfere with the person's daily life.

The treatment for the flu can be done using medications indicated by the doctor, however there are ways to relieve the symptoms more quickly, being the 7 main tips:

1. Resting

Resting is essential to reduce the symptoms of flu and cold, as it allows the body to use all its energy to fight the disease. Doing any physical activity when you are sick lowers your body's defenses, increases your risk of exposure to other infectious agents, and slows healing.

2. Drink lots of fluids

Fluids, especially water, are even more important if the flu causes a fever, as dehydration can occur. Furthermore, liquids, such as fruit juices, teas, vitamins and soups, can provide the necessary nutrients when a person is very ill and cannot eat.

3. Using medicines

If there are many symptoms, the doctor may recommend the use of some medications, such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen, to relieve symptoms and speed recovery.

Learn about other flu remedies.

4. Gargling with water and salt

Gargling with water and salt helps to reduce the discomfort and inflammation of the throat that can happen in the flu, in addition to being effective in removing secretions present there.

5. Increase the humidity of the place

Increasing the humidity of the place where you are, such as in the bedroom or in a study room, for example, helps to reduce the discomfort of coughing and dryness of the nose. To do this, just leave a bucket of water in the room.

6. Use hot water bottle

In some cases, there may also be muscle pain, so using a hot water bag over the muscles helps to decrease muscle discomfort, as it helps to relax the muscles due to the vasodilation it causes.

7. Warm your feet

Dipping your feet in warm water helps to reduce headaches and a stuffy nose.

By following these tips it is possible to significantly reduce the symptoms of flu. Although the flu is a simple disease, it should not be long before you take the necessary steps to fight it, as there can be complications. In addition to following the tips, a doctor should be consulted for the most appropriate intervention for the patient.

Check out the following video for some tips to fight the flu faster:

7 Tips to Reduce Flu Symptoms