Home Home-Remedies How to protect the heart in a natural way

How to protect the heart in a natural way


Medicinal plants are a great option to maintain health, because in addition to being completely natural, they generally do not cause serious side effects like medications.

However, plants should always be used with the guidance of a herbalist, as very high doses can be life-threatening. In addition, there are several poisonous plants, which can be confused with beneficial plants and, therefore, it is very important to have guidance from a professional.

The 9 main plants that help protect the heart against various types of cardiovascular disease include:

1. Green tea

Green tea is very rich in catechins, natural substances that prevent fat from accumulating on the walls of arteries, reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the body.

In addition, this plant also improves blood circulation, reducing pressure on the heart and protecting against diseases such as high blood pressure or heart failure, for example.

2. Olive leaves

Extracts made with olive leaf contain phenols, such as oleuropein, which protect against the oxidation of bad cholesterol, decrease inflammation in the body, regulate blood glucose levels and also activate fat burning.

This plant is still often used to lower blood pressure, the effect of which is often compared with pharmacy remedies.

3. White hawthorn

The flower of this plant contains tyramine, a substance that protects the functioning of the heart, in addition to improving the heartbeat, since it increases the release of catecholamines.

In addition, the flowers, as well as the fruits of the white hawthorn, also contain high amounts of flavonoids that have antioxidant action.

4. Garcinia cambogia extract

Garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that is widely used to regulate appetite and help in the weight loss process, which ends up having a benefit on heart health.

However, in addition, this fruit also lowers bad cholesterol, increases good cholesterol and lowers triglycerides, protecting against serious cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack, for example.

5. Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a plant widely used in various health problems. This is because this plant is considered an adaptogen, that is, it is capable of regulating a good part of the bodily functions. Thus, in the case of the heart, it is able to regulate its functioning and beat, whether in people who have a very high heart rate, but also if it is low.

In addition, it also decreases anxiety, lowers blood pressure and protects against the effect of bad cholesterol.

6. Garlic

Garlic contains scientifically proven substances that regulate cholesterol levels, decreasing the risk of heart disease. In addition, it also facilitates blood circulation, reducing pressure on the heart.

7. Celery

Celery is a plant that contains a compound, called 3-n-butylphthalate, which lowers blood pressure. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces inflammation of the entire organism, favoring heart health.

8. Ruscus aculeatus

This plant is very effective in preventing poor circulation, varicose veins and artery problems. In addition, it has saponins that help protect the heart.

9. Horse chestnut

The seeds of the horse chestnut are a rich source of escin, a type of saponin, which favors vasoconstriction, preventing the appearance of swelling in the body, and which reduces inflammation of the heart.

In addition, both the seeds and the chestnut bark are very rich in flavonoids that improve circulation.

How to prepare a tea for the heart


  • 2 tablespoons of one of the 9 medicinal plants mentioned above and 1 cup of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Place the herb in the cup and cover with boiling water. Allow to warm properly, strain and drink immediately afterwards to ensure a greater concentration of the active ingredient. It is recommended to take 3 to 4 cups of this tea a day to achieve the desired benefits.

How to protect the heart in a natural way