Home Symptoms What insoluble fibers are and what they are for

What insoluble fibers are and what they are for


Insoluble fibers have the main benefit of improving intestinal transit and fighting constipation, as they increase the volume of feces and stimulate peristaltic movements, making food pass more quickly and more easily through the intestine.

Unlike soluble fibers, insoluble fibers do not absorb water, and pass through the stomach without undergoing changes. They are present mainly in foods such as wheat bran, brown rice, beans and whole breakfast cereals.

Thus, the main benefits of insoluble fibers are:

  • Maintain regular intestinal transit and combat constipation; Prevent hemorrhoids, by facilitating the elimination of feces; Prevent colon cancer by retaining toxic substances that are ingested; Reduce the contact of the intestine with toxic substances, by making them pass through the intestine more quickly; Help to lose weight, by giving greater satiety and delaying the feeling of hunger.

The total daily fiber recommendation, which includes both soluble and insoluble fibers, is 25g for adult women and 38g for adult men.

Foods rich in insoluble fiber

The following table shows the main foods rich in insoluble fiber and the amount of fiber per 100 g of food.

Food Insoluble Fibers Soluble fibers
Almonds in shell 8.6 g 0.2 g
Peanut 6.6 g 0.2 g
Green olive 6.2 g 0.2 g
Grated coconut 6.2 g 0.4 g
Nuts 3.7 g 0.1 g
Raisins 3.6 g 0.6 g
Avocado 2.6 g 1.3 g
Black grape 2.4 g 0.3 g
Pear in shell 2.4 g 0.4 g
Apple with peel 1.8 g 0.2 g
Strawberry 1.4 g 0.4 g
Tangerine 1.4 g 0.4 g
Orange 1.4 g 0.3 g
Peach 1.3 g 0.5 g
Banana 1.2 g 0.5 g
Green grape 0.9 g 0.1 g
Plum in shell 0.8 g 0.4 g

In addition to these foods, regularly consuming fruits with peel and bagasse, and vegetables in general is important to provide a good amount of fiber in the diet and obtain the benefits of this nutrient. See the amount of fiber in other foods in Benefits of Soluble Fiber.

Fiber Supplements

In some cases of chronic constipation or even diarrhea, it may be necessary to use fiber-based supplements that will help regulate intestinal transit. These supplements can be found in supermarkets, pharmacies and nutritional stores, and are usually presented in the form of capsules or powders to be diluted in water, tea or juices.

Some examples of supplements with fibers are FiberMais, Glicofiber, Fibermais Flora and Fiberlift, it is important to remember that they should only be used with guidance from a nutritionist or doctor.

To help improve bowel function, see also How to cure constipation.

What insoluble fibers are and what they are for