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Sources of organic silicon in food


Organic silicon is a mineral widely used in beauty products, as it helps to keep skin firm and hair and nails beautiful and healthy. The main foods that are rich in organic silicon are:

  • Fruits: apple, orange, mango, banana; Vegetables: raw cabbage, carrots, onions, cucumbers, pumpkin, Oil fruits: peanuts, almonds; Cereals: rice, corn, oats, barley, soy; Others: fish, wheat bran, sparkling water.

In addition to food sources, silicon can be found in anti-aging creams and in the form of capsules, which can be purchased at pharmacies, health food stores or on websites selling on the internet, with prices ranging between about 40 and 80 real.

Foods rich in silicon

Benefits of Silicon

Silicon has health benefits linked mainly to beauty, bones and joints, such as:

  • Strengthen bones and joints, as it increases the production of collagen; Help in the healing of bone fractures; Prevent hair loss, and increase shine and softness; Prevent and aid in the recovery of respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis; Strengthen nails and prevent infections in the hands; protect the brain from the toxicity of aluminum, a mineral linked to diseases such as Alzheimer's; prevent atherosclerosis; prevent wrinkles and premature aging.

Deficiency of silicon in the body causes symptoms such as weakened bones, hair, nails, increased wrinkles and general skin aging.

Recommended quantity

There is still no consensus on the recommended amount of silicon, but in general 30 to 35 mg per day are recommended for athletes and 20 to 30 mg for non-athletes.

It is important to remember that elderly and menopausal women have greater difficulty in absorbing silicon in the intestine, needing medical evaluation before starting any supplementation of this mineral.

How to use

In addition to consuming foods rich in silicon, this mineral can be used in creams and moisturizers daily or as directed by a dermatologist.

Capsule silicon should preferably be taken according to the doctor's or nutritionist's prescription, but in general it is recommended to ingest 2 mg of pure silicon per day, being necessary to read the supplement label to see the amount of available silicon.

For a skin without wrinkles, see How to use organic silicon to rejuvenate.

Sources of organic silicon in food