Home Medicinal Plants White mulberry: what it is for and how to use

White mulberry: what it is for and how to use


The blackberry is a medicinal plant with the scientific name Morus alba L., about 5 to 20 meters high with a very branched trunk, with large leaves, yellow flowers and fruits.

Generally, the part used in this plant is the leaves, which have anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant, antimicrobial properties and have numerous health benefits. Fruits also help to improve memory and concentration.

What is it for

White mulberry leaves can be used to decrease the absorption of sugar in the intestine, improve metabolism and reduce the glycemic peak, making the person not so hungry, helping to lose weight.

It also relieves symptoms of poor digestion, such as excess stomach acid and gas and bloating. In addition, it also has antioxidant properties, reduces the spread of harmful bacteria to the body and prevents premature aging.

There are also studies that prove that the fruits of this medicinal plant improve memory and concentration.

How to use

Generally, the part of the plant used, as it has more therapeutic effects, is the leaves, which can be used to prepare tea.


  • 2 g of white mulberry leaves; 200 mL of water.

Method of preparation

To prepare this tea, just boil the water and put the leaves to infuse for about 15 minutes. You should drink 3 cups a day.

White mulberry can also be used as a powder, and the recommended dose is about 500 mg, up to 3 times a day.

Who should not use

White mulberry should not be used in people allergic to this plant or in people who have chronic diarrhea.

White mulberry: what it is for and how to use