
Zellweger syndrome is a rare genetic disease that causes various malformations in the brain, heart, liver and skeleton, putting life at risk.
Patau syndrome is a disease that causes malformations in the baby. See what it is and what the physical characteristics and symptoms caused by this disease
Prader-Willi syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes behavioral changes, developmental delay and excessive hunger.
The cry of the cat syndrome or Cri-du-Chat is a genetic disease, caused by a change in chromosome 5. The disease has this name because the cry of the child at birth looks like the meow of a cat. Babies born with cat cry syndrome have developmental delay, ...
What it is: Riley-Day Syndrome is a rare inherited disease that affects the nervous system, impairing the functioning of sensory neurons, responsible for reacting to external stimuli, causing insensitivity in the child, who does not feel pain, pressure, or temperature. stimuli ...
PFAPA syndrome is a rare genetic disease that manifests itself during early childhood up to the age of five. In this syndrome the child develops monthly symptoms such as fever, foot-and-mouth disease or pharyngitis and adenitis. This disease is benign and children who suffer from it pass ...
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is a very serious skin problem that can arise in some people who are treated with drugs such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or antibiotics. See the most common symptoms and the most frequent causes
Dry eye syndrome is characterized by a decrease in the amount of tears on the ocular surface, causing a constant sensation of dust in the eyes, as well as burning and redness. Check out other symptoms and how treatment can be done to relieve discomfort


Sinemet is an antiparkinsonian medication whose active substance is Levodopa and Carbidopa. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, the active substance of this medicine is transformed into dopamine, a neurotransmitter essential for the function ...


Singulair is the name of the oral anti-asthmatic, which uses the substance named Montelukast as an active ingredient and can be found in the children's version, Singulair Baby. Singulair reduces bronchospasm, swelling and inflammation of the airways. Singulair can be ...
What it is: Proteus Syndrome is a rare genetic disease characterized by excessive and asymmetric growth of bones, skin and other tissues, resulting from the gigantism of several limbs and organs, mainly arms, legs, skull and spinal cord. Symptoms of ...
In imprisonment syndrome the person gets stuck in his own body and is unable to move, despite being awake. Understand.
Parry-Romberg syndrome, or just Romberg syndrome, is a rare disease that is characterized by atrophy of the skin, muscle, fat, bone tissue and nerves of the face, causing aesthetic deformation. Generally, this disease only affects one side of the face, however, it can extend to the rest ...
Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that causes symptoms of dry eyes and mouth. Learn how to identify and diagnose this disease.
Tetra-amelia syndrome is a rare disease that causes the complete absence of arms and legs. See other symptoms and why it happens.
Terson's syndrome is an intraocular hemorrhage, which can be caused by a cerebral hemorrhage. Learn to identify, what causes and how to treat.
What it is: Turner syndrome, also called X monosomy or gonadal dysgenesis, is a rare genetic disease that affects only females and is characterized by the total or partial absence of one of the two X chromosomes. chromosomes leads to the appearance of ...
Prune Belly Syndrome is a disease where the baby is born with no muscles in the abdomen wall and is more common in male babies.
White coat syndrome is a psychological disorder in which blood pressure is high at the time of medical consultation, but returns to normal in other conditions. Understand more about the syndrome, its symptoms and how it can be controlled
Cyclic vomiting syndrome is a rare disease characterized by periods of intense vomiting alternating with periods without symptoms. Learn how to identify the syndrome and how treatment is done.
Shaking the baby or making sudden movements can lead to Shaken Baby Syndrome, which causes damage to the child's brain and severe sequelae, as the neck muscles are poorly developed and cannot support the weight of the head. Understand what is shaken baby syndrome, ...
Rotten fish odor syndrome is characterized by a strong fish-like smell in body secretions, such as sweat and saliva. See how the treatment is done
Impostor syndrome causes a lack of recognition of your abilities and encourages self-sabotage. Find out if you have this syndrome and what to do
Fetal alcoholism syndrome occurs when a woman consumes alcohol in excess during pregnancy, resulting in delayed physical and mental development in the baby, and severe changes such as microcephaly
Fragile X syndrome is a genetic disease caused by a mutation on the X chromosome that occurs most frequently in boys. Learn more about this syndrome, its signs and symptoms and how the diagnosis is made.
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a serious reaction to the use of neuroleptic drugs, such as Haloperidol, which needs to be treated as soon as possible in the hospital. Some symptoms that may indicate this syndrome include high fever, muscle stiffness and mental changes. See other signs ...
Also known as Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch syndrome is a very rare genetic disease that causes the baby to look aged from birth
Red man syndrome is a condition that can occur immediately or after a few days of using the antibiotic vancomycin due to a hypersensitivity reaction to this drug. This medicine can be used for the treatment of orthopedic diseases, endocarditis and infections ...
In Tourette's syndrome the person has tics, such as repetitive movements, speech or gestures. Treatment is done with medicine. See what helps most.


Sineflex is a fat burning and thermogenic food supplement that helps to speed up metabolism, block fat and lose weight. Sineflex has in its formula a combination of caffeine and synephrine, substances that help the breakdown of fat in the body. In addition, Sineflex ...
In accelerated thinking syndrome, the person presents symptoms such as anxiety, memory lapses and difficulty concentrating. See other symptoms and how to treat
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome is a rare disease that affects tissues that contain melanocytes, such as the eyes, central nervous system, ear and skin. See the symptoms of this disease and what the treatment consists of.
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, also known only as MERS, is a disease caused by a virus that causes symptoms such as fever, coughing and sneezing, and can even cause pneumonia or kidney failure in the most severe cases. See other signs and how treatment is done
The main symptoms of andropause are changes in mood and fatigue, which appear in men between 40 and 55 years of age. Take our online test
Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney problem that causes excessive protein excretion in the urine, causing symptoms such as foamy urine or swelling in the ankles and feet, for example. Understand why it happens, how to identify it and what is the recommended treatment