Autism signs appear around 12 months of age and involve difficulty interacting with parents or other children and absence of facial expressions
Frequent forgetfulness and always saying the same things can be early signs of Alzheimer's. Know how to identify the first symptoms and what to do
Fanconi Syndrome is a rare disease of the kidneys that leads to the accumulation of glucose, bicarbonate, potassium, phosphates and certain excess amino acids in the urine. In this disease there is also loss of protein in the urine and the urine becomes stronger and more acidic. Fanconi Syndrome ...
Brugada syndrome is a rare and genetic heart disease that is characterized by changes in heart activity that can lead to sudden death in the most severe cases. Learn more about Brugada syndrome and how to identify it.
What it is: Berdon Syndrome is a rare disease that mainly affects girls and causes problems in the intestines, bladder and stomach. Generally, people with this disease do not pee or poop and need to be fed by a tube. This syndrome can be caused by problems ...
Caroli syndrome is a rare disease that affects the liver causing constant abdominal pain. This disease has no cure and treatment may include medication, surgery and even liver transplantation
Couvade Syndrome is a set of typical pregnancy symptoms that can appear in men during their partner's pregnancy. Know more.
What it is: Charles Bonnet syndrome is a condition that usually occurs in people who lose their sight totally or partially and is characterized by the appearance of complex visual hallucinations, which are more frequent upon waking, and can last for a few minutes at hours, ...
Crouzon syndrome causes deformities in the skull and face, such as wide eyes or a flattened head. Know how to identify and when the surgery is done.
Chronic fatigue syndrome causes excessive and persistent tiredness, present on most days, and for no apparent reason. Treatment involves psychotherapy and exercise, but the doctor may also recommend medication
Berardinelli-Seipe Syndrome is characterized by the lack of fatty tissues in the body, which starts to accumulate in the liver or muscles.
What it is: Apert Syndrome is a genetic disease characterized by a malformation in the face, skull, hands and feet. The skull bones close early, leaving no room for the brain to develop, causing excessive pressure on it. In addition, the bones of the hands ...
Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome is a rare genetic disease that causes skin lesions, kidney tumors and cysts in the lungs. The causes of Birt-Hogg-Dubé Syndrome are mutations in a gene on chromosome 17, called FLCN, which loses its function as a tumor suppressor and leads to the appearance of ...
Hurler's syndrome is a rare genetic disease that manifests between 6 and 8 months of the baby and can lead to death, around 10 years of age. The disease is diagnosed when the first symptoms start to appear, which involve difficulty in breathing and fever. This syndrome causes ...
Heller syndrome, also known as Disintegrative Disorder of Second Childhood, is a degenerative brain disease. In this syndrome, the child has normal motor and intellectual development until the age of 3 (sometimes more) and, after a certain moment, ...
Dressler syndrome is a cardiac complication that occurs about 3 to 4 weeks after a heart attack. It is characterized by an inflammation in the tissue surrounding the heart, which can also affect the tissue covering the lungs. Know the symptoms and how is the treatment.
Boerhaave syndrome is a rare problem that consists of the spontaneous appearance of a rupture in the esophagus that causes symptoms such as severe chest pain and shortness of breath, for example. Usually, Boerhaave syndrome is caused by the excessive intake of food or alcohol that ...
DiGeorge syndrome is a rare genetic disease characterized by changes in one part of the chromosome, leading to the appearance of some signs and symptoms, such as cleft palate, cardiac changes and decreased activity of the immune system. Understand what is DiGeorge syndrome and ...
Fregoli Syndrome is a psychological disorder that leads the individual to believe that the people around him are able to disguise himself, changing his appearance, clothes or gender, to pass himself off as other people. For example, a patient with Fregoli Syndrome may believe ...
Cri du Chat Syndrome is a rare genetic disease, which results from a chromosomal abnormality, which can lead to a delay in neuropsychomotor development and intellectual disability. Know the symptoms and how the treatment is done
Highlander syndrome is characterized by growth retardation, which makes an adult person look like a child. Learn more about this syndrome, symptoms and possible causes.
Cushing's syndrome is a disease characterized by a high concentration of cortisol in the blood, resulting in a moon face, accumulation of abdominal fat and the development of hair on the face, in the case of women. Find out what Cushing's Syndrome is, symptoms, causes and how it is done ...
Gilbert's syndrome is a genetic disease characterized by the presence of a mutation in the enzyme responsible for the degradation of bilirubin, which leads to its accumulation in the blood and gives the skin and eyes a yellowish appearance. Understand more about what Gilbert's Syndrome is and how it is ...
Holt-Oram Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes deformities in the upper limbs, such as hands and shoulders and heart problems. Know more.
Pain in the side of the knee is usually a sign of iliotibial band syndrome, also known as runner's knee. Better understand what this syndrome is, why it happens and how treatment can be done to end this pain
Horner's syndrome, or oculopathic paralysis, is a disease caused by an interruption of nerve transmission from the brain to the face and eye on one side of the body, resulting in decreased pupil size, drooping eyelid and decreased sweating on the affected side. . See which ...
Goodpasture Syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease in which the body's cells attack the kidneys and lungs, the main symptoms of which are coughing up blood, difficulty breathing and blood in the urine. Check other symptoms, what is the diagnosis and how is the treatment done
Hanhart Syndrome is a very rare disease that is characterized by the complete or partial absence of the arms, legs or fingers, and this condition can occur at the same time on the tongue. The causes of Hanhart Syndrome are genetic, although the factors that lead to ...
What it is: Kluver-Bucy Syndrome is a rare brain disorder that arises from lesions in the parietal lobes, resulting in behavioral changes related to memory, social interaction and sexual functioning. Generally, this syndrome is caused by heavy blows to the head, ...
Munchausen's syndrome is a psychiatric illness, where the patient causes or simulates symptoms of diseases. Individuals with Munchausen syndrome repeatedly invent diseases and often go from hospital to hospital in search of treatment and in addition to simulating diseases, ...