Home Bulls Contraceptive Cerazette: what is it for and how to take it

Contraceptive Cerazette: what is it for and how to take it


Cerazette is an oral contraceptive, whose active ingredient is desogestrel, a substance that inhibits ovulation and increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, preventing a possible pregnancy.

This contraceptive is produced by the Schering laboratory and can be purchased in pharmacies, with an average price of 30 reais for boxes with 1 carton of 28 tablets.

What is it for

Cerazette is indicated to prevent pregnancy, especially in women who are breastfeeding or who cannot or do not want to use estrogens.

How to take

One package of Cerazette contains 28 tablets and you should take:

  • 1 whole tablet a day, at approximately the same time, so that the interval between two tablets is always 24 hours, until the pack is finished.

The use of Cerazette must be initiated by the first line pill, marked with the corresponding day of the week, and all pills must be taken until the packaging is finished, following the direction of the arrows on the carton. When you finish a card, it must be started immediately after the end of the previous one, without pausing.

What to do if you forget to take

Contraceptive protection can be reduced if there is a longer interval of 36 hours between two pills, and there is a greater chance of becoming pregnant if forgetting occurs in the first week of using Cerazette.

If the woman is less than 12 hours late, she should take the forgotten tablet as soon as she remembers and the next tablet should be taken at the usual time.

However, if the woman is more than 12 hours late, she should take the tablet as soon as she remembers and take the next one at the usual time and use another additional method of contraception for 7 days. Read more at: What to do if you forget to take Cerazette.

Possible side effects

Cerazette can cause pimples, decreased libido, mood swings, weight gain, breast pain, irregular menstruation or nausea.

Who should not take

The Cerazette pill is contraindicated for pregnant women, severe liver disease, blood clot formation in the legs or lungs, during prolonged immobilization by surgery or disease, undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, undiagnosed uterine or genital bleeding, breast tumor, allergy to product components.

Contraceptive Cerazette: what is it for and how to take it