Home Bulls Cinnarizine



Cinnarizine is a medicine widely used for travel sickness. It is a cerebral and peripheral vasodilator that acts as an antihistamine and sedative.

Cinnarizine can be found in pharmacies with the names of Stugeron, Antigeron, Cinarix, Cinazon, Vessel, Stugerina, in addition to its generic version.

Indications for Cinarizine

Disorder of cerebral circulation; disturbance of peripheral circulation; balance disorder; peripheral arterial disease; motion sickness.

Side Effects of Cinarizine

Skin reactions; fatigue; extrapyramidal reactions; somnolence; weight gain.

Contraindications for Cinarizine

Pregnancy; breast-feeding; liver failure; history of QT interval (electrocardiogram).

How to use Cinarizine

Adults: 15 to 30 mg 3 times a day.

  • Travel sickness: 30 mg, 2 hours before travel, then 15 mg every 8 hours during the day. Peripheral arterial disease: 75 mg, 2 or 3 times a day.

Children from 5 to 12 years old: 7.5 mg to 15 mg 3 times a day.

OBS: During the treatment with Cinarizina you should not drink alcoholic beverages.
