Home Bulls Surgery for endometriosis: when it is indicated and recovery

Surgery for endometriosis: when it is indicated and recovery


Surgery for endometriosis is indicated for women who are infertile or who do not wish to have children, since in the most severe cases it may be necessary to remove the ovaries or the uterus, directly affecting the woman's fertility. Thus, surgery is always advised in cases of deep endometriosis in which treatment with hormones does not present any type of result and there is a risk of life.

The surgery for endometriosis is done in most cases with laparoscopy, which consists of making small holes in the abdomen to insert instruments that allow removing or burning the endometrial tissue that is damaging other organs such as ovaries, outer region of the uterus, bladder or intestines..

In cases of mild endometriosis, though rare, surgery can also be used in conjunction with other types of treatment to increase fertility by destroying small foci of endometrial tissue that are growing outside the uterus and making pregnancy difficult.

When surgery for endometriosis is indicated

Surgery for endometriosis is indicated when the woman has severe symptoms that can directly interfere with the quality of the woman, when treatment with drugs is not enough or when other changes are seen in the woman's endometrium or reproductive system as a whole.

Thus, according to the age and severity of endometriosis, the doctor may choose to perform conservative or definitive surgery:

  • Conservative surgery: aims to preserve the woman's fertility, being performed but often on women of reproductive age and who wish to have children. In this type of surgery, only the foci of endometriosis and adhesions are removed; Definitive surgery: it is indicated when treatment with drugs or through conservative surgery is not enough, and it is often necessary to remove the uterus and / or ovaries.

Conservative surgery is usually performed using videolaparoscopy, which is a simple procedure and should be performed under general anesthesia, in which small holes or cuts are made close to the navel that allow the entry of a small tube with a microcamera and the instruments doctors who allow the removal of outbreaks of endometriosis.

In the case of definitive surgery, the procedure is known as hysterectomy and is performed with the objective of removing the uterus and associated structures according to the extent of endometriosis. The type of hysterectomy to be performed by the doctor varies according to the severity of the endometriosis. Know the types of hysterectomy and how it is done.

The amount depends on the type of surgery, and can vary from 5 to 15 thousand reais according to the length of the procedure and the need to remove an organ. Surgery for endometriosis is not covered by most health plans, but in some cases it can be performed by SUS (Unified Health System).

Learn about other ways of treating endometriosis.

Recovery after surgery

Surgery for endometriosis is done under general anesthesia in a hospital, so it is necessary to stay in the hospital for at least 24 hours to assess if there is any bleeding and to fully recover from the effect of the anesthesia, however it may be necessary to stay longer. hospital stay if a hysterectomy was performed.

Although the length of hospital stay is not long, the time for complete recovery after surgery for endometriosis can vary between 14 days to 1 month and during this period it is recommended:

  • Stay in a nursing home, it is not necessary to stay in bed constantly; Avoid excessive efforts such as working, cleaning the house or lifting objects heavier than a kilo of rice; Do not exercise during the first month after surgery; Avoid sex during the first 2 weeks.

In addition, it is important to eat a light and balanced diet, as well as drink about 1.5 liters of water per day to speed recovery. During the recovery period, it may be necessary to make regular visits to the gynecologist to check the progress of the surgery and evaluate the results of the surgery.

Possible risks of surgery

The risks of surgery for endometriosis are mainly related to general anesthesia and, therefore, when the woman is not allergic to any type of medication, the risks are generally quite reduced. In addition, as with any surgery, there is a risk of developing infection. So it is recommended to go to the emergency room when a fever rises above 38º C, there is very severe pain at the surgery site, swelling at the stitches or there is an increase in redness at the surgery site.

Surgery for endometriosis: when it is indicated and recovery