Home Bulls Intimate plastic surgery: when to do it, complications and care

Intimate plastic surgery: when to do it, complications and care


Plastic surgery in the genital region is known as intimate plastic surgery, and can be indicated to treat health problems, such as the drooping bladder, or to improve the appearance of the genitals, by reducing the small vaginal lips, for example.

This type of plastic surgery can only be performed after 18 years of age, after the genitals have fully developed, in addition, the female genitals can undergo major changes during pregnancy and menopause, and therefore there is no more suitable time for women to resort to this type of aesthetic treatment, this choice being very personal.

It is important to clarify that in most cases of female intimate surgery the goal is to make the region more 'beautiful', but this is also very subjective and personal, and so before making a drastic decision to perform vaginal rejuvenation surgery, woman think about it for a few months, talk to your partner and your trusted doctor.

Many women seek this type of surgery to feel better with their own body, and thus feel more comfortable during intimate contact, which can lead to decreased pain during sex and increased libido, which consequently increases the sexual pleasure.

Know the main problems that can harm intimate contact.

Indications for intimate plastic surgery in women

Plastic surgery in the female intimate region can be used to:

Aesthetic or emotional reasons:

  • Reduction of the foreskin of the clitoris so that it becomes more exposed and the woman has more pleasure; Rejuvenation of the vagina, with genital bleaching, when the woman thinks her genitals are too dark; Liposuction of the Venus mount when the woman thinks her vulva is too large, tall or wide; Reduction of the small vaginal lips only to make them smaller than the large lips; Put on a new hymen, so that the woman 'goes back to being a virgin again.

Medical reasons:

  • Reduction of the small vaginal lips: when it causes discomfort during physical activity, use of a certain type of clothing, pain or imprisonment of the lips during penetration, or if it occurred after pregnancy or vaginal delivery; Nymphoplasty: Reduction of the size of the vagina after observing great vaginal laxity after vaginal delivery that interferes with the woman's sexual satisfaction; Alteration of the genitals that interfere with sexual penetration or pleasure; Perineoplasty: To combat fallen bladder or urinary incontinence, for example. Learn more about this type of surgery at: How is surgery for urinary incontinence done.

Indications for intimate plastic surgery in men

Plastic surgery on the male genital region is usually used to:

  • Increase the size of the penis. Check out other 5 techniques to enlarge the penis, without surgery; Remove the accumulation of fat in the pubic region, through liposuction; Combat the lateralization of the penis, in case of Peyronie's disease.

The cuts made in the surgery are small, usually go unnoticed, but it is normal for the region to be swollen and purple for up to 4 weeks, making sexual contact impossible at this stage.

How intimate plastic surgery is done

Intimate plastic surgery is done in approximately 2 hours, with local or general anesthesia and the patient is free to go home the next day and to return to work in 2 days after the surgery, if the work does not involve intense physical effort.

The best doctor to perform this type of procedure is a gynecologist specialized in plastic surgery. There is no single standard on what type of procedure is most suitable for each case, leaving to the doctor's discretion the type of procedure that will be performed in each surgery.

Possible complications of surgery

The complications of intimate plastic surgery are related to the general complications of any surgery, such as infections at the site, bleeding and reactions to anesthesia. Therefore, whenever there are alarm signs such as fever, intense redness, severe pain or pus discharge, it is recommended to go to the emergency room.

There is still the possibility that the person may not be satisfied with the result of the surgery, because he may suffer from psychological problems such as concern about an imaginary defect or excessive concern about a minimal defect. Thus, it is recommended that the person who is going to perform this type of surgery be evaluated by a psychologist before and after the procedure.

Care after surgery

After doing this type of surgery you need to take some precautions such as:

  • Do not have intimate contact for about 30 to 45 days; Rest for about 2 to 3 days; Do not exercise in the first three weeks; Do intimate hygiene normally with warm water and neutral soap; Wear underwear or cotton underwear; Apply cold compresses in the intimate area to reduce swelling; do not rub the intimate area.

The care to be taken after intimate plastic surgery is related to the swelling of the region that disappears in about 4 weeks.

Surgery price

The price of intimate plastic surgery varies depending on the type of surgery performed, clinic and surgeon. However, the price of the first evaluation consultation for intimate plastic surgery is around 300 reais.

Intimate plastic surgery can be performed by SUS in case of disease or deformity of the intimate region where the surgery aims to improve the individual's health and well-being. When intimate plastic surgery is performed for aesthetic reasons, it can only be done in private clinics.

Intimate plastic surgery: when to do it, complications and care