Home Bulls Citalopram



Citalopram is an antidepressant remedy responsible for inhibiting the reception of serotonin and increasing the activity of the central nervous system that decreases the symptoms of depression in individuals.

Citalopram is produced by Lundbeck laboratories and can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name of Cipramil in the form of tablets.

Citalopram price

The price of Citalopram can vary between 80 and 180 reais, depending on the amount and dose of the drug.

Indications for Citalopram

Citalopram is indicated to treat and prevent depression and to treat panic and obsessive compulsive disorder.

How to use Citalopram

How to use Citalopram should be indicated by a psychiatrist, however, general guidelines include:

  • Treatment of depression: single oral dose of 20 mg per day, which may increase to 60 mg per day according to the evolution of the disease. Panic treatment: single oral dose of 10 mg daily for the first week, before increasing the dose to 20 mg daily. Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder: initial dose of 20 mg, which may increase the dose to a maximum of 60 mg per day.

Side effects of Citalopram

The main side effects of Citalopram include nausea, dry mouth, drowsiness, increased sweating, tremors, diarrhea, headaches, insomnia, constipation and weakness.

Contraindications for Citalopram

Citalopram is contraindicated for children under 18, pregnant women, breastfeeding women and patients undergoing treatment with MAOI antidepressants, such as Selegiline, or with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formula.

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