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Sexual disinterest


To combat sexual disinterest and improve the couple's intimate contact it can be useful to read books and watch movies that stimulate sexual desire as they help to improve lubrication, helping to initiate intimate contact.

Adopting a spicy cuisine, investing in pepper and ginger, as well as taking cabinda or Asian spark tea with ginkgo biloba can also help because they increase blood circulation, facilitating arousal. Know the medicinal plants that can help.

However, the causes of these disorders must be investigated so that treatment can be targeted and thus be more effective. Having a healthy lifestyle, sunning yourself regularly, eating well and exercising is also important to increase libido.

The treatment can be done using medicines like: Flibanserina, which is the equivalent of Viagra for women; Bremelanotide, in the form of nasal spray, Melanotan II, Tribullus Terrestris and testosterone. In case of erectile dysfunction, remedies such as Prostaglandin Gel can be used, which should be applied to the penis glans, taking effect in 15 to 20 minutes. Sildenafil citrate, Tadalafil, vardenafil and lodenafil can be used in tablet form.

Treatment time may vary from person to person, but results and an increased interest in intimate contact can be seen within a few weeks after starting treatment.

Understand what is Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

This sexual disorder characterized by the lack of interest in sexual intercourse for a period longer than 6 months. This alteration can affect both men and women and has several causes, with couple fighting, genital diseases and depression being the most common causes.

Women who have had early menopause or who have had to remove their ovaries through surgery are the most affected. Your diagnosis and treatment must be guided by a doctor, but a sexologist can indicate what you can do to find desire and pleasure in intimate contact again.

However, sexual desire in women is usually related to their understanding with their partner. Thus, at the beginning of the relationship it is normal for the woman to have more sexual impulses and that, over time, a greater investment from the same partner in kisses, hugs and caresses is necessary for the woman to become more excited.

How to Recognize Symptoms

Signs and symptoms that may indicate hypoactive sexual desire disorder include:

  • Absence of sexual thoughts and fantasies; Escape from moments that could culminate in a relationship; Lack of intimate contact, which may arise after periods of healthy sexual life; Lack of erection and difficulty maintaining an erection during intercourse; Vagina without lubrication, remaining dry even during intercourse; during intimate contact the woman may have no color change in the vulva and vagina.

It can be said that the person has a hypoactive sexual desire disorder when these symptoms are maintained or become more frequent in at least 6 months causing anguish and personal suffering, making the relationship with the partner more difficult.

Watch the following video and learn how to improve intimate contact and clarify some questions about sexuality:

Main causes

This change can be caused by hormonal changes, use of antidepressants or anxiolytics, after sexual abuse, very strict education, religious factors, mental illness, lack of privacy, comfort or security. The presence of a sexually transmitted disease, pregnancy, problems with the relationship with the partner, tumors and surgery also favor the permanence of this disorder and the lack of interest in sex.

The use of certain medications can also decrease libido. Some examples of these are: Valproate, Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Thioridazine, Clomipramine, Amitriptyline, Phenelzine, Tranylcypromine, Fluoxetine and Sertraline.

To increase desire, here are 5 exercises that improve intimate contact.

Sexual disinterest