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Meat diet


The meat diet is based on the exclusive consumption of meat and other sources rich in protein, such as fish and poultry. In addition to proteins, these foods are also rich in fats, which in recent years have come to be seen as good fats, as they are naturally present in foods.

This diet originates from studies on people around the world, such as the Eskimos, for example, whose diet is based solely on meat, and which nevertheless have excellent health parameters and long life expectancy. In addition, historians believe that at the beginning of human evolution, the diet was composed only of hunted animals.

What to eat and what to avoid

In the meat diet it is only allowed to consume meats of all types, such as beef, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck and fish in general. The preparations can be roasted, grilled or cooked, and must be seasoned with aromatic herbs and vegetables, such as garlic, onion, tomato, green scent, basil, pepper, olive oil, lard and coconut oil.

On the other hand, you should avoid all types of fruits and vegetables, pasta, sugar, grains like rice, wheat, quinoa, corn, peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, and nuts like chestnuts, walnuts and almonds. In addition, the meat diet does not include processed meats such as sausage, sausage, ham and bologna, as well as artificial fats such as margarine and hydrogenated fat. See 4 ways to choose meats well.

Health risks

The exclusive consumption of meat can cause deficiency of antioxidants that are found mainly in vegetable sources, especially in vegetables. However, there is no evidence that people who live exclusively on meat and fish suffer from any health problems due to the lack of vegetables and fruits.

Another negative point is the lack of fiber in the diet, which can impair the functioning of the intestine and make it more prone to constipation.

Another point to note is that there is no evidence that this type of diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but the general recommendation of health authorities is that the consumption of saturated fat, found mainly in meat, be moderate, and that a balanced diet should be based on the consumption of vegetables and fruits.

How to adapt the meat diet today

To make the meat diet, it is initially necessary to look for a doctor and a nutritionist to do laboratory tests, get to health and receive guidelines for changing the diet. It is important to try to consume organic meats and prepare them at home whenever possible, using natural spices and good fats, such as olive oil or coconut oil.

As the meat is full, it is normal not to have to eat all the meals of the day, being common to eat only 2 or 3 times a day. Whenever possible, it is interesting to add vegetables, leaves, nuts such as chestnuts and peanuts, and one or two fruits a day, as it adds more fiber, vitamins and minerals to the diet. Here's how to eat a low carb diet, also known as low carb.

Meat diet