- Home treatment options
- Remedies that can be indicated
- When to go to the doctor
- Signs of improvement and worsening
Bronchiolitis is an infection caused by viruses very common in childhood, especially in babies and the treatment can be done at home. Home treatment for bronchiolitis consists of taking measures to help relieve the baby's or child's symptoms, but in some cases, the use of medications indicated by a pediatrician is necessary.
Generally, antibiotics are not required, as the disease is not caused by bacteria and there are no drugs capable of eliminating the virus, which is eliminated naturally by the body.
Bronchiolitis usually improves in 3 to 7 days, however, if the child or baby is having a hard time breathing, sinking the muscles in the rib or mouth and purple fingers, it is recommended to quickly seek medical attention from a hospital.
Home treatment options
Treatment for bronchiolitis at home can speed recovery and relieve symptoms and discomfort. Some measures that can be taken are:
- Rest at home, avoiding going out with the baby or taking him to daycare; Offer plenty of water and milk during the day, to avoid dehydration and facilitate the elimination of the virus; Keep the air humidified, using a humidifier or leaving a basin of water in the room; Avoid places with a lot of smoke or dust, as they worsen lung inflammation; Make nebulizations to eliminate excess mucus and facilitate breathing; Clean the child's nose frequently with saline solution or put nasal drops; Leave the headboard up at night keeping a pillow or cushion on the head of the child or baby, as it helps breathing.
In addition, when there is greater difficulty in breathing, such as when breastfeeding, for example, it is advisable to place the baby in a sitting or standing position to facilitate breathing, as opposed to lying down.
This treatment must be continued until the symptoms disappear, which can take up to 3 weeks to happen. However, if there is no improvement in symptoms after 3 days, it is recommended to consult the pediatrician.
Remedies that can be indicated
It is generally not necessary to use drugs to treat bronchiolitis, as the body is able to eliminate the virus and prevent the disease from getting worse. However, when the symptoms are causing a lot of discomfort or the fever is very high, for example, it may be necessary to consult the pediatrician to start using medicines.
Some examples of the most used remedies are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen, as they help reduce fever and relieve discomfort. The doses of these drugs should always be guided by a doctor, depending on the baby's weight and age.
When to go to the doctor
Although treatment can be done at home, it is advisable to go to the hospital when symptoms do not improve after 3 days or signs of worsening of the disease appear, such as:
- Very difficult to breathe; Very slow breathing with periods of pause; Blue lips and fingers; Sinking of the rib muscles; Refusal to eat; Difficulty sleeping.
These cases are more rare and generally need to be treated while in hospital to make medicine directly into the vein and receive oxygen.
Signs of improvement and worsening
Signs of improvement in bronchiolitis usually appear about 3 to 7 days after the start of treatment and include decreased fever, increased appetite and reduced difficulty in breathing.
In cases where the body is unable to eliminate the virus, signs of worsening may appear, such as increased difficulty in breathing, bluish skin, especially on the lips, increased irritability, refusal to eat and sinking of the rib muscles. In this case, it is recommended to go immediately to the hospital to start the appropriate treatment.